Most artists and henceforth designers have a signature style. They show what they find pleasing. This can be seen all over the world from your average watercolor paints at the community college to the halls of the Louvre. It would also be reflected in the world of Web Design because the people designing websites are just another type of artist. One benefit is that it guarantees that no single designer will rule the internet because people have different tastes, even within specific styles.
I'm actually actively looking for someone to give me a new design on my forums and WordPress homepage style. So, hopefully I'll be able to get someone through some connections here or other sites and get it done.
I design my own graphics I actually have a design site online JacquiiDesigns and have established quite a clientele - I'll be happy to consult with anyone needing graphics designed. Jacquii.
Thanx Boss! I appreciate the recommendation Let me know if you have any graphics projects you need completed! I'll be happy to help. Jacquii.
This, The skin and banner I'm using now is a temp set up. I'm about to be in the market for some design help here pretty soon.
Yep I do. Many of them are repeat clients for mod installations, vB version upgrades, etc. There are a few there that I maintain their sites, as tech admin, on a monthly basis.
Nei or myself will complete the graphic... This way we're saving ourselves money and we can change the graphics when ever we please, etc.
Haha, yeah. I tend to never hire someone or ask for help unless I can't figure it out on my own. My only problem? Getting idea from my head to the computer.
PSD mock up is basically what you want to look like made on PSD that is a PSD mock-up. EDIT: Well to explain more, later on you slice up the PSD to fit your actual site.
Oh those. :lol: Yeah I already do that with websites. I've never done it with a forum, usually because I wing it.