We're a media design team creating entertaining media for the general public. Anything from music to art to video games and animation, and even manga/comics. <3 Right now we're working on our first two game projects: an MMORPG and a survival horror action game, both are 2D old-shcool-ish because that's what I like. 3D games will also be created because I know theres a huge 3D game fanbase out there, but for now I'm sticking to my roots. A few free music albums are already up for download on the forums and a few new albums will be up for sale for those who like our musick and want to support by buying our CDs. <3 Our Team (Needs updating) We love active members who are interested in giving us input for games, music, etc. We like being influenced by our audiences! <3 So feel free to join. Also, forums are going through some changes lately, so it may be slow/glitchy at times.
Its an april fools but over half my team didnt notice. They were drawing away on random pokemon.... ._.;