Hey guys, Figured this would be a cool thread; checking out what others' IQ's are. You can take the test here. Here's my IQ; View attachment awww.adminaddict.net_data_MetaMirrorCache_52748525b8bc0fc2bc901587ac21539a.gif According to the guide, I'm average. So, what's your IQ?
As far as I know, there are no legitimate IQ tests available to be taken online. If you would like to know what your real IQ is (which is also relative, given that it is based on standard deviation), take the Stanford-Binet IQ test. You can usually find accommodation for such tests in your local community. Anyway, here is mine: If you want to take something near to that of a real IQ test, take this: Mensa Workout It will not give you an estimated IQ; however, it will tell you, given the results, whether you have a chance of mensa qualification.
All of the parts where you need to give info, there's a button that says either pass or skip. Not sure about the part where they need your email address. Anyway, my result. . I'm above average.
Someone takes online surveys. That was brutal to go through. haha I took a real test a few years ago, got a 173. These tests, even the 'real' ones are dumb. They really don't mean anything. edit* lol :doh: I should have just done that instead of the 6776843 of ads
Yea I did one of theese test and got an high result then I went to another test and got an completly different result.