What's your bounce rate?

Discussion in 'Monetization Techniques' started by Soliloquy, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    What's your bounce rate (as seen in Google Analytics)? Just trying to determine if my bounce rate is high, low, or normal...
  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Average of 38%

    Google 48%
    Youtube 28%
    Portal #1 18%
    Portal #2 12%
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    AdminAddict average - 15.51%
    AdminAddict Homepage/Blog - 72.66%
    AdminAddict Forum - 0.60% (wow)
    LineolatedParakeet.net Average - 30.78%
    LP.net Homepage/Blog - 61.33%
    LP.net Forums - 24.69%​
  4. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    26.39% Bounce Rate
  5. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    Overal: 21,11%
    Main: 15,20%
    Forum: 9,19%
  6. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    wow...judging by these bounces rates my site is a little high :o
  7. mickeyy

    mickeyy Newcomer

    The lower the better as people are staying and looking at the content of your site instead of just moving along to the next site. There was a video of a SEO specialist talking about bounce rate as being the most representative analytic. He was also saying that a number to strive for should be 30 to 35%.

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