I'm another Gaming XS member who got shipped over here when GXS was sold. I'm pretty much the exact opposite of Swazi... I live on the East coast, I don't drink and I don't do drugs... and, ummm... yeah. I don't know what else to say. Woooooooooooord.
Opposite of me TyBO? Hardly my man!..... oh wait, ya I think your right. But then wouldn't that give you a really really small cock?
Maybe... ... and if we're opposites, that means that I'm striaght doesn't it. Yeah, I think you and me are exact opposites.
Ya... well..... uhhh, I'd rather be a fag with a huge cock than a straight kid with a tiny penis..... wait. Would I. Errr... no. Uhhhh.... I'm confused.
Wow, I get the feeling of a close family reunion around the thanksgiving table from this thread... Either that, or I'm really high. :lol: Welcome, TyBO.
Ya well... you're just jealous that I have more posts than you do! n00b!@!!!!!!!!111111 PMG!!!!!1111 It'Z A n00bE! HAHAHAHA L00zEr!