Whats up people...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by TyBO, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. TyBO

    TyBO Regular Member

    I'm another Gaming XS member who got shipped over here when GXS was sold. I'm pretty much the exact opposite of Swazi... I live on the East coast, I don't drink and I don't do drugs... and, ummm... yeah. I don't know what else to say.

  2. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hola, TyBo!

    Nice to meet You there! :beer:
  3. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Hey, Tybo! :D
  4. Swazi

    Swazi Regular Member

    Opposite of me TyBO? Hardly my man!..... oh wait, ya I think your right. But then wouldn't that give you a really really small cock?
  5. TyBO

    TyBO Regular Member


    ... and if we're opposites, that means that I'm striaght doesn't it.

    Yeah, I think you and me are exact opposites. :D :D :D
  6. LSDuce

    LSDuce Regular Member

    You'de like to think so...
  7. Swazi

    Swazi Regular Member

    Ya... well..... uhhh, I'd rather be a fag with a huge cock than a straight kid with a tiny penis..... wait. Would I. Errr... no. Uhhhh.... I'm confused.
  8. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Wow, I get the feeling of a close family reunion around the thanksgiving table from this thread...

    Either that, or I'm really high. :lol:

    Welcome, TyBO.
  9. TyBO

    TyBO Regular Member

    Haha, I win!!

    Thanks for the welcomes all. :)
  10. Swazi

    Swazi Regular Member

    Ya well... you're just jealous that I have more posts than you do! n00b!@!!!!!!!!111111 PMG!!!!!1111 It'Z A n00bE! HAHAHAHA L00zEr!
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