Now that the merge of Admin Addict and Admin Talk is complete here is a list of what's next for Admin Talk. I will be changing the style that is used here. I will be using Audentio Design UI.X style as the default style. I will also keep the current style available for users to use and will import the Admin Addict default style for users from Admin Addict to use if they choose. I will be installing xenforo enhanced search which should speed the search up. It isn't slow now by any means, but, as we grow it could slow down and by having enhanced search already installed will assure it doesn't slow down. There will be a revamp of the resources section. Well not really a revamp I will be moving all the articles, tutorials and graphics into the resource manager. I am working on a promote thread to resource add on that will make it much easier to accomplish this task.
I will be taking the site down from time to time for short periods to clean up all the orphans in the database. This is a pain to do because I have to find the forum IDs for the orphaned posts and then run a batch file on the server to clean then out of the database. You might notice the forum totals increase as I go along. This is temporary and will sort out once I have all the orphans removed.
Well, he did say he was leaving this one as an option. Probably wants to spice things up a bit. Default XenForo is just kind of...boring.
That's about right. I want the site to have a different look. I will keep this style available and will also add the AA default style available for those that like to have a familiar look. As I have done in the past when I acquire a community I want to put my stamp on it. Best way to do that is change the look.
I have completed the database cleanup. There were about 300K orphaned posts. I will make the batch file I used available for others to download. This is for Windows servers, but, shouldn't be too hard to adapt to *Nix servers.
I think a domain without a hyphen would be much better, though I understand it wouldn't really be ideal to change the domain at this point.
It might not be worth it now since the site is already established with the hyphen, but it's definitely not a pointless thing to consider. Plus, "Admin-Talk" isn't a very creative name in my opinion, so I'm wondering why the merge kept it as Admin-Talk rather than AdminAddict (alliteration = usually good in domains), but that just might be me being biased since I was the one that originally came up with AdminAddict, lol.
In my experience shorter, simpler names are better- and talk is easier to spell than addict for today's spell check/texting generations.
I really had a hard decision to make on which way I was going to go with the import. At first I was going to import into AA. Then I decided to go the other way. In any case does point here so I guess you could tell people that domain if you wanted.
I don't like the word addict. It sounds like there is a problem. We are not addicts and there is absolutely no problem with working on websites 24/7. Like I said, we are not addicts and we have no disorder.
How? How should it be redesigned? Then again, with the way most admin sites work now, probably like this: 1. vBulletin Criticism 2. Other Stuff.