What's in the...

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by panthro, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. panthro

    panthro Regular Member

    ...NSFW forum?

    And how do I get in?
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Not safe for work..

    and you are in ;)
  3. panthro

    panthro Regular Member

  4. Chase

    Chase Regular Member

    I'm not. :/
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Do you want to be? :lol:
  6. Chase

    Chase Regular Member

    Is there anything in it worth looking at?

    What on earth is going on here anyways? Theofftopics?
  7. Chase

    Chase Regular Member

    I can't reply to threads in the nsfw section.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You should be able to now. Sorry about that.
  9. Chase

    Chase Regular Member

    Old enough to view porn threads, but not to comment. :p
  10. panthro

    panthro Regular Member


    Not the NSFW forum!

    Not our poor sweet innocent virginal Kelly!

  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

  12. Chase

    Chase Regular Member

  13. panthro

    panthro Regular Member

    It appears that I am also underprivileged when it comes to the NSFW forum. :shifty:

    And by NSFW, I mean the Eye Candy forum. :shifty:
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You can't see anything in there? Whats going on? You should be all set.
  15. panthro

    panthro Regular Member

    Beats me.

    I can see the externally hosted pics in the threads from Diddy or Gina, but the threads with attachments only show links that I get yelled at for clicking, and other threads appear to have no pics or links in them at all.


    Perhaps I am the poor sweet innocent one, instead. :ha:
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Try now. I know some of the threads are messed up. The attachments got f'ed :(
  17. panthro

    panthro Regular Member

    Ah - that explains the empty ones then.

    I see boobs!

    It appears I'm good to go now - thanks Kevin!

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