No we provide free premium skins to everyone... i dont want to be considered as a spammer thats why i suggested one of the admins PM me for the link...
If you don't provide FREE premium skins for everyone, but you don't provide a link for OTHER people to see your skins, you're not really selling, either way, I'd like to see some of your skins, so you can PM me a link.
Free for you means Nulled, first of all, the skin you have there is from complete vB Order vBulletin Skins and you removed the copyright information. Secondly, the first thing I see is '3.8.4 NULLED'. You don't make skins, please don't insult us people who do work hard every day to improve our skills, and people like you just want to take credit for it.
Please refrain from posting such links, as the material on said external site is questionable due to the reasons mentioned above. Sharing nulled and/or stolen software is an infringement on the talent of the respective designers/coders, and will not improve your positive reputation within the administrative community. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact an admin. Thanks.
Im not taking credit... I provide the resources for people who cant afford them... I never said i made them...i said I provided....
Oh, ok. So, it's ok to steal something from someone that spent days and days and days creating (ask me how I know), who just want to make some money to make-up for the time that they lost creating such a beautiful product, then turn around and give it to someone else, just because they can't afford it? Evidently you (people who run sites) like the styles, because you want to null and illegally redistribute them. So that has been established. That doesn't give you the right to get it for free. Listen, I've been poor before, to the point where all we had left in the cabinet was rice pudding mix, cinnamon, and raisins (no joke, that was it). We didn't know where the next meal would come from, and my mom did not eat any of it, because she wanted to make sure that we were covered. So, would it have been right for us to go steal from a store, because we can't afford the food legitimately? Would the police or the judge really care? Bottom line is, buy a product if you like it, otherwise, don't bother. You will be looked down upon in the general internet community, you won't get any tech support from vB or the designers, and could get into legal trouble, depending on the product you've stolen. Just because you didn't claim you made them, doesn't mean you are in the clear to redistribute them. I'd honestly like to know if you would skip having a traditional job at McDonald's to opt for making websites or graphics instead, and be OK with some kiddies stealing it after you've already set a price for the product. Yeah, you're barely making the bills each month, and can't afford to continue internet service, but at least some little snot-nosed jerk in middle-of-nowhere can enjoy your really nice skin. Because, you know, he deserves it, since he can't afford it. :frown:
Hello, welcome to the forum. 1 - Personal attacks and insulting posts have been removed. If you can't get along with another user on the forum, please avoid public confrontations. 2 - Please acquaint yourselves with the community rules. Particularly this one: This includes the promotion of and linking to such material.