What makes You "Different"?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Chris, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    What makes your community "different" when compared to other communities based around the same niche? In other words, what techniques and/or creative strategies do you use to set you apart from the competition?
  2. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    :lol: I thought you wanted to know what made me different.

    My forum? Treats people like adults & accommodates their needs better than other sites. They need something from me or anyone else they simply have to ask and they get a positive response, or a reason why something cannot be done.

    Also another site is set up in an annoying way with many ads & mouseovers.
  3. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    It's different on each site, but on one forum I also offer a directory of relevant shops complete with zip code proximity search.
  4. kev

    kev Regular Member

    I think this video pretty much shows how I set my community apart from the rest.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CqpL3kfYHk"]YouTube - Those Days Are Over[/ame]
  5. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Is that you in the video Kevin?
  6. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Yes, I make all of my own videos.
  7. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    They have me! ;D Kidding, well most Anime sites lack in design, they are either pre-made templates or they make them crappy. I tend to make my site look awesome, plus my staff team is very reliable.
  8. Blackout

    Blackout Addict

    I haven't found a community exactly like mine. I've spent more than a couple of hours browsing search engines to try to find one rather than the actual company website/community.
  9. 2dub

    2dub Regular Member

    One of the main things which make my forum different is the environment.

    Some of the things I do different from the other Umpire's Forums are:
    • Welcome new members
    • Encourage posts from rookies
    • A no flaming environment (Umpire forums are notorious for flaming)
    • All off topic discussions (Other forums delete/ lock threads that get off topic)
    • An attractive environment (The others have a default style or not too attractive)
    • My members know who owns/runs the site where the others are just sort of there.
    • I also offer unique services the others don't particularly news, interviews & reviews
    My site is only 18 months old and I am already getting an impressive amount of traffic rivaling the other sites.
    2 people like this.
  10. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Those are some unique approaches, Warren. It certainly sounds like you know what is needed in order to keep up with (and eventually surpass) the competition.

    Nice job! :thumbup:
  11. 2dub

    2dub Regular Member

    Thanks Nick
  12. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    Yeah, cheers to your successful start. :cheers:
  13. tryfuhl

    tryfuhl Champion

    Other than features, nothing. That is one thing that I'm trying to change. We offer a solid amount of nice features without going overboard and never cut out on standard features for non-paying members.
  14. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Ok well although these are not major things they are what does set my website apart a little from my direct competitiors.

    Please Note: I run an Australian Based Sports Network that aims at providing a reliable news service from all sports from Australia and New Zealand.

    My website offers:
    - Most things sport fans want when visiting a sport website, I offer not only news and results, but also competitions - tipping competitions, simulator based competitions, a fun and enjoyable place to chat, ability for our members to ask sporting personalities questions.

    I say this because before I started my website I had to go to one website for my news and results, another couple websites to play different sport games, another website where I could take part in interviews, and another website to play sporting arcade games - so what I have tried to do is create a website that has all of those things rolled into one.

    + Womens' Sport
    One of our key elements is the fact that my website is committed to providing Womens' Sport the same amount of coverage as the mens, in Australia and New Zealand (I am sorry I do not know about other parts of the world) Womens' sport gets little to no coverage in the news, on sport websites and you have to look at all of the tiny sections of a news paper to find any news on womens sport.

    My website is committed to improving the level of coverage Womens Sport gets not just in Australia but around the globe, we offer news/results/ interviews and chat regarding all Womens sport.

    + 'The Peoples Website'
    My website is designed and billed as the Sports Network designed by Sport Fans for Sport Fans, meaning if people want to see something we look seriously into adding it, as they are a sports fan and that means they are our market.

    Some of our competitiors are plainly in it purely for the money side of things, Australians are big on their sport and so they see it as their little cash cow, we are committed to providing Sport Fans what they want to see.
  15. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Kudos to you for supporting women's sports; it may not be as popular now, but 20, 30 years from now people will look back and wonder at the disparity.
  16. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Exactly, I have become a fan after getting media accreditation to a women's world cup (for cricket) and it really opened my eyes and so I am now trying to do my bit, and I hope in the future when it does get its fair share of media coverage people remember my sites efforts :D

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