What Jake said...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Padwick, Jun 4, 2005.

  1. Padwick

    Padwick Regular Member

    Likewise I have finally caught up on where everyone went.
    In the spirit of the thread - Hello.
  2. Newk

    Newk Regular Member

    Padowan, I assume that is you..I didn't realize where we were was a secret..Welcome bud..hope you like it here.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You just couldn't bare to be away from me any longer. :lol:

    Welcome Padster.
  4. Padwick

    Padwick Regular Member

    Morph had told me about this place but I must have been up to something at the time because I totally forgot about it.
  5. Padwick

    Padwick Regular Member

    Hmm yes that must be it.
  6. Newk

    Newk Regular Member

    No matter you're here now..now punch Morph in the nuts
  7. Padwick

    Padwick Regular Member

    I would but he might get the wrong idea :shifty:
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

  9. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff


    I hope you find here to your liking :)

    He likes to be kicked in the nuts though :D
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Licked not kicked!
  11. Kyp

    Kyp Regular Member

  12. Eison

    Eison Guest

    Welcom Pads and feel free to abuse Morph as much as you like.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    There seems to be a common theme happening in this thread and I ain't happy about it.
    Don't make me get PandaPete!
  14. Padwick

    Padwick Regular Member

    Consider it done.
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