I've been using XF for about a month now and overall am very happy with it. It's even better with the extended search plugin. Xenforo does need a few things to 'make it whole'. Namely admin tools; Prune user's posts, delete all PMs sent by a user, etc. The only thing member-facing I can ask for right now is some sort of photo gallery and maybe a calendar but I don't have much use for that on my board. Down the road I'd like to see XF become a whole lot more extensible sort of like vBulletin. Blogs, CMS, etc. Only XF will do it right instead of a Hodge podge of crap.
I think there are quite a few "Admin" extras that are missing at the moment - even simple things like post count and user registration date (you have to go out to the front-facing "Members" section to get those details). Post edit notification/history would be a good front-end one too! I agree though, XF will more than likely make the additional tools and options just as fluid, simple, and intuitive to use as the current ones, and I have high expectations for the next release as Kier seems to have gone into caveman mode; hopefully this is a result of adding lots of cool stuff and some of the features XF community members have been asking for for a good while. Let's see. Cheers, Shaun
My own particular personal wish list of stuff, in no particular order... An XF to XF importer. Ability to merge users in the ACP. Smiley management (assigning categories for grouping, assigning sort order, etc.). Sidebar management (ideally the sidebar would allow for management of 'modules' similar to how vBadvanced CMPS handles it; would make life way easier for admins). Additional template hooks (doesn't seem to be any from the suggestion thread added in some time ). Attachment permissions by file type (eg: Allow guests to download file type .abc but not .xyz). Option to upload attachments from URL instead of local machine only. Reworked RSS Feeds importer. With vB it was pretty easy to add new plugins to extend the functionality of imported feeds while with XF it is a pretty basic affair; the current implementation doesn't even run the content through the BB code parser. Twitter authentication. Twitter status updates (eg: update your status in XF, have it tweet to your Twitter account). ... and others. Then of course there is the 'big' stuff like some type of gallery/albums, a portal front-end (for a lot of people a simple portal is all we need, not a full blown CMS), and on one of my newer sites the lack of a calendar is really causing some grief.
Judging by how quite Kier has been recently I'm hoping he's adding all the "wanted" features we've been jumping up and down about ... Well, I hope so anyway.
I think there will be a lot of new updates coming soon, Love the software still havent took the time to fully go through everything. Been busy for the last few months. But I would like to see the CMS soon
I think XF is coming along nicely but it still needs a lot of work. I'd like to see an official Blog or CMS system like the competitors have. I'd also like to see more cutting edge features and make the ACP a little easier/quicker to zip around in.
My only beef with it is the conversation system. I like to limit the private messages numbers (since they can take a lot of database space) and also allow members to delete. This way (both need to leave the conversation) is a bad way to manage it. Otherwise, XF wins hands down against any other script. I like the fact it's not bloated with a lot of useless junk as the other two and it gives me what I need to run a forum. For the rest we have the plugins