I'm here to let you all know about a fairly new advertising / promotion forum that is beyond any other... Tropical Promotions is very unique from the other advertising / promotion forums with a very unique look and feel to it... At Tropical Promotions, we strive to be a fun and a relaxing community! With many services to offer to the public, with many of the totally unique and never done & seen before... Tropical Promotions! http://tropicalads.net Tropical Promotions • Index page Thanks for reading and please feel free to come on over and help yourself and your forum out some! After all, It's free! Regards,
A switch to vbulletin would be a step in the right direction. I'm not keen on the tropical images but they do go with your name very well.
And what makes you think everyone is in love with vB? phpBB is a great software, I like it so I'm sticking with it... Thanks for your comment though...
Youre welcome! Not everyone is in love with vbulletin but it is generally a much better piece of software filled with features and simplicity no free forum software can provide. I used to use phpbb and I used to love it, now I loathe it. Id like to add the reason why im not keen on the images, I just think theyre far too strong, maybe try and convey a tropical theme with vectors, anything than real pictures
I like the image, how come you don't like it? It's totally unique and has a nice and relaxing feel to it... vB is too expensive to be honest, and both software can pretty much do everything that the other can do besides some things that I do not need or care about to be frank... phpBB is the forum software that started the forum simplicity revolution, now you say It's not? In my experience with vB forums, they mess up a lot, many errors and It's easier to 'break' your forum if you slip up in the admin cp, ect. Even this forum, some times when I submit a post, it times out so I have to refresh to get things working again, it still posts my post but still it ties out, yet other times it goes straight through, now I know that's not on my end of things... Any who, all is welcome over at Tropical Promotions! Get free advertisement! Have nothing to loose really...
I just dont like proper images used for decorational purpose on any website, at least not palm trees. Vbulletin may have things you dont need but it is a paid software for very good reasons. It has had hundreds of thousands of hours of work on it by lots of professionals. I couldnt list everything and every way it is better but it is. The forum you must have been on may have had some php memory limit errors due to crappy hosting, I have rarely seen that error and if its on this forum I suggest you report it. Phpbb can be broken so damn easily, install quick reply (which is a standard vbulletin ability) and you have the possibility of screwing things up. Phpbb is good for free forum software yes, but if you want the best for your community I suggest vbulletin to you Im quite sure it was vbulletin who revolutionised the forum simplicity, I read somewhere they made vbulletin actually for those reasons, due to other forum software being poor.
I'm well aware of every forum software, and people can have their own opinions on which is the better of them all, but you saying vB is better is just like saying Milky Way is better than Snickers! But yeah, free services and promotion / advertising! It's a win / win situation if you ask me!
One man's ceiling is the next man's floor - it's all based around personal speculation. But I also suggested to +Shadow that he moves to vBulletin. And, I also mentioned that the background makes the forum look a bit too amateur. Granted, your forum is supposed to be a relaxed place, but with that background I could never be relaxed - a nice vector, as Michael suggested, would be nice - or even a full custom style - PixelFX did a wonderful job with Forum Promotions. Also, the TropicalAds[dot]Net link does not work, for some reason. Is the site down? Stupid free hosting. Blah. At any rate, great start, and good luck!
I'm sure the tropical background is really pretty, but the effect is lost because you barely see it behind the forums. It really isn't a good idea to have a huge photorealistic background on forums for that reason, also because of the file size. I think it's great that you're trying to stand out from all the other ad sites, I just don't think that image is the way to do it.
The domain name isn't working at the moment, and that has nothing to do with the host... The forum is working for me, I'm browsing it right now... Try Tropical Promotions • Index page I really don't see anything wrong with it, if you can barely see it than how is it an issue anyways? :spin:
You'd still have to download it for each and every page; just wait until you see how much bandwidth it uses once your forum is popular. Even if it was a relatively light vector image, I think you should avoid such a large image because the lines of the page get broken up in an unattractive way. It's better to use images in such a way that the eye can visualize most of the scene.
Yep the forum is working fine. Just wondering if you own the free host its using? Or if you're really using a free hosting company to use it? If so you maybe interested in purchasing some hosting for $2-3 a month before your site becomes a hit and you're stuck on a free host you have no control over major things with and they don't let you take a backup. Though I agree, that background image is :doh:. Try a solid background, with a palm tree and sand vector in the bottom left corner and you'll be amazed at how much better it looks. And the opaque background where the forum names are and stuff make it hard to read with the background image also. and with a widescreen it looks pretty bad as it doesn't cover my entire screen.
Well, I see a lot of successful forums that are hosted on free hosts, some people can't just go all out on forum software, paid hosting, ect. ect. when they want to start up a forum...
Brevard County, Florida... But, I've been everywhere in Florida, pretty much every city... I love to travel and visit places, especially Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Cocoa Beach, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville and Gainesville...
I was near Cocoa Beach for the space shuttle launch a few months back, That place isn't what I thought it would be, but I could have been in the wrong section. (closer to titusville) Pretty sure I drove thru Brevard on my way to Port St Lucie seemed like a nice county from what I saw off of I-95
Nah, you can't really see the beauty of Brevard when you drive through it on I-95... To see the real beauty, you would need to travel by the rivers and the ocean... Been to Port St. Lucie so many times, my brother, his wife and kids live there... Just saw the night launch, live the other night when the Space Shuttle went up...