I want to take this opportunity to welcome our two newest members - Norah and Linda. I am sure they will enjoy being here as much as we do! We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Faith and Bagorragh tis a strange land I find me self in. Now I is no Bridey Murphy but I gots this feelin that I have been here before! I hears dis is the place for a down and out grand Donnybrook if one gets a hankerin for the ol' sod. Aye there ain't nothin' grander to get the blood flowing in your veins than a rip roaring brou-haha! "Fag a Bealac" (Gaelic -clear the way!) Norah's aboard and she 's carrying her alpeen in one hand and her alf and alf in the other. No more blathering! (I's still have the feelin I's been here afore!)
Chris, how sweet of you to welcome us to BA! Tell me, girlfriend, how are things in Glocca Morra? Is that little brook still leaping there? Does it still run down to Donny cove?Through Killybegs, Kilkerry and Kildare? How are things in Glocca Morra, Chris? Is that willow tree still weeping there? Does that laddie with the twinklin' eye Come whistlin' by and does he walk away,sad and dreamy there not to see me there? I has a feelin that you and I is goin to be the bestest of friends!:eusa_ange
Here is a little picture of Sister Linda, Sister Christina and me, Sister Norah taken at our last beach party. Saints preserve us , how we did have fun!:applaus: :eusa_danc .
Seems that the levity and humor has dwindled down to just the remains of a dying ember, Chris, but hey, I am glad things are going well, old pal.
Good night, Linda and don't forget to say your prayers, you never know if it is your last night on this planet.:eusa_ange Sister Norah! (and I really don't want to hold Chris, I'll just bless him or if he happens to get fresh, I will slap him silly with my wooden beads!
... this is too awesome NOT to comment on - - I LOVE this side of you guys!! Could this POSSIBLY be the end of the "Woman Bashing"?? Have you FINALLY found your feminine sides and are bonding with what's left of the female persuasion? I doubt it, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts!!! A bit of levity is the best way to bust tension even if some can't find their way to undersand it.