Welcome KickinKaraoke

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by DJCC, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. DJCC

    DJCC Regular Member

    Welcome to the nut house, Visit often and enjoy your stay!!!:yespill:
  2. KJSandman

    KJSandman Regular Member

  3. KJSandman

    KJSandman Regular Member

    Why is KickinKaraoke not in the member list?
  4. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Welcome aboard KickinKaraoke. :)

    Members don't show in the list until they've made at least 1 post. This is to prevent a false member count in the event OKJT takes on advertisers in the future. A vast majority of boards count everyone who's ever registered in their numbers. Lurkers or people of registered and never came back aren't of much value an advertiser and I believe it's misleading to tout them as part of the count.

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