Nice to see you signed up :hug: (that hug thing will probably piss him off ) The funny thing was that I actually thought about you yesterday when I considered making a thread about "What I have learned from the forums" I never made that thread tho.
I noticed the name, but he hasn't posted yet so I didn't want to just assume it was the sarge just yet. But I hope it is, I always liked talking to him on PWKS.
He's an old friend that used to post at NNB back in the day... that means back when ANT owned the place. A nice guy but he will occasionally kick your ass if you get out of line :p
Made it out ok the first time, then went back in. I came back with a neck injury that wasnt too terribly bad, but bad enough for surgery and a discharge. But everything is fine now, hell I even got into the mosh pit at Ozzfest on Sunday! haha The girls are great. It amazing to watch twins interact. I dont know what it is, but even at age 3 they interact with each other almost in an unspoken way. My wife left Texas while I was gone for a teaching job back in Indiana. Im going back to school to get my masters before I start job hunting. I would have to get it within a few years of getting a job, so I figured I might as well do it now rather than wait. Outside of that Ive just been coaching some football, moonlighting as a bass player in a few local bands, and working security at concerts. Its not that glamorous of a jobbecause the only bands that come through here are either country or stupid radio cock rock shit.
Damn all of that stuff seem so long ago. I remember talking about St. Anger when it came out. I think you had told me it was gonna suck because you had downloaded before it came or something. Oh the memories.....haha
Education administration...the neck wasnt so bad. Had to have 2 vertebra fused, but unless you see the scar on the back of my neck you wouldnt know any different.
Yeah I did download it, but I liked it so you're remembering it wrong. But I wanna thank you for introducing me to Cold, I guess they split up shortly after or something
Yeah they are on "hiatus". The lead singer has a project called "The Witch" that he's working on then Cold should be coming back in a couple years.