
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Tai, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. Tai

    Tai Regular Member


    I mean, err..HELLO!

    It's alive to dannic

    Welcome welcome me weeee weeee!
  2. Danni

    Danni Regular Member

    OMG, it IS alive!

    It's awesome to see you here! :P

    You'll enjoy it, I know you will.
  3. jane

    jane Regular Member

    CHI! Welcome! :D It's good to have you here!
  4. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    Hey Chi!

    It's Tai Chi

    now you'll have to join another one of our forums and you're name should be Chuan so it'll be Tai Chi Chuan!


    Ok I crack me up..anyhoo! WELCOME to Begins With Me! :wavey: OO it's so nice to see you here!!
  5. Wookie

    Wookie Regular Member

    Hey Tai! Chi! Chuanna get some lunch? hehe, i crack myself up. Welcome :)
  6. Tai

    Tai Regular Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Good to know some people here to get started!

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