WebsiteGrader, Your Websites Grade?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by tech, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    WebsiteGrader, Your Websites Grade?

    As theres some hype about Website Grader around AA i thought id make this and show-off what i get and also post yours!

    JetGaming Gets (which is completely dead now)

    WebsiteGrade: 94

    Google Pagerank: 2

    Google Indexed Pages : 293

    Traffic Rank : Top 6.117 % - Alexa rank of 1,902,172

    Inbound Links : 75

    Blog Grade : 28 bookmarks : 1

    And Design247 Gets (2 months old)

    WebsiteGrade: 70

    Google Page Rank : 0

    Google Indexed Pages : 43

    Traffic Rank : Top 2.866 % - 891,142

    Inbound Links : 1,014

    Blog Grade : Not Graded bookmarks : n/a


    Grade your website @ Website SEO Tool | Website Grader
  2. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Your thread is more appropriate then the other one...which had SEO in the title. lulz

    Thanks Tech

    huh? Here are my stats, although I have not really done much to work on SEO, at all or promote like many of you do considering my type of site.

    Some of the information makes sense to me...but in general are these stats average or what? lol

    I don't understand the Blog Grade, I don't have one.....I guess it's using my news items???

    Any other sites out there that does the same as Website Grader? I ask b/c it looks like the Grader does not target other facilities.
  3. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    I haven't started to promote my site yet. Not open X3 I guess I will keep getting a bad grade because of the images. At least I know I went up on Alexa. I don't think this is really focused for forums, usually forums have much more images than a blog...

  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've used this site before, as well as the one for Twitter.

    My new blog got a 95 (
    My old blog got a 98.9 (
    Here is my Twitter account, which is the grader site I check more then this website one.
    brandonsheley | Twitter Grader (99.9)
    It'll hit 100 every now and then, just depends on what the other (99.9's) are tweeting I guess.
  5. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

  6. Medora

    Medora Regular Member

    Here's my grade (for

    Website Grade 95
    Google Page Rank 1
    Google Indexed Pages 201
    Traffic Rank 2,875,582
    Blog Grade 92
    Inbound Links 2,606 Bookmarks 1

    I like how the results came with personalized suggestions. So far, I've amended my meta description and keywords.

    I have a question, though. And sorry in advance for my ignorance, but it's probably best to get it out of the way:

    Under the Metadata section of the results, the following is listed as one of the problems with my website:

    I was wondering where, exactly, I need to make an edit?


    Hm, fixing my meta description and keywords brought my website grade up from 94 to 95.
  7. Mikey


  8. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Here's WaltDisneyBoards' grade:

    Walt Disney Boards
    Website Grade 98.3
    Google Page Rank 3
    Google Indexed Pages 8,330
    Traffic Rank 534,884
    Blog Grade 78
    Inbound Links 23,704 Bookmarks 5
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I didn't see it either :shrug:
  10. quantnet

    quantnet Newcomer
    Website Grade 98.2
    Google Page Rank 1
    Google Indexed Pages 12,800
    Traffic Rank 301,976
    Blog Grade 40
    Inbound Links 2,617 Bookmarks 6
  11. quantnet

    quantnet Newcomer

    We have the best traffic rank thus far, for whatever worth it is.
  12. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    THAT could possibly be because your site has been up since '06. Most of us here have sites 1 or 2 years old or even much more less than 1 year old(like me).

    For those who couldn't find it, it's the section that says
    VI. Competitive Intelligence

    In which it tells you(I will post Mikey's explosive gfx one)
  13. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Just one thing about Alexa Ranking..Is lower better? Im confused lol..
  14. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    Website Grade: 97.2
    Google Page Rank: 3
    Google Indexed Pages: 547
    Traffic Rank: Top 0.474%
    Blog Grade:
    Inbound Links: 4720 Bookmarks: n/a
  15. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    Website Grade: 94
    Google Page Rank: 2
    Google Indexed Pages: 639
    Traffic Rank: Top 3.171 %
    Blog Grade: 71
    Inbound Links: 685 Bookmarks: n/a
  16. combus

    combus Addict

    Here's my grade, kind of high compared to what I expected from a site like that one ^^

    Website Grade: 96.3
    Google Page Rank: 4
    Google Indexed Pages: 324
    Traffic Rank: 867,740
    Blog Grade: 91
    Inbound Links: 28,369 Bookmarks: n/a
  17. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

  18. Oldiesmann

    Oldiesmann Regular Member

    I don't actually have a blog - it just thinks that the posts I'm displaying on the front page are blog posts. Site is about 46 months old.

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