Website Designer Issues

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by drumming207, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Hey Everyone,

    I need some help.

    A designer created a website for my brother and I used my brother's recommendation to use his services. The designer quoted me a good price and a time line of 2 months tops.

    It's now 6 months later and the homepage is only partially done. Now, I would have fired this guy months ago but I just had a surgery out of the country (that was out of pocket $$$) and I am a poor medical student.

    I was going with the flow; however, every time there was a deadline, it was missed. I had to twist his arm to get him to do anything. I tried to fire him last month, but he agreed to make it right and we set up a schedule to meet weekly by instant messenger.

    Wednesday I emailed him to see the status of the website and I get a reply that he's "resigning from the project." :mad2: Now, I'm pissed--there goes 6 months of my life and he hasn't given me the Wordpress files (he's ignoring my emails).

    At the end of the day, I just want my website finished. I don't want to sue this guy or take any legal action...I just want the files, so I can continue to work on them.

    This has been beyond frustrating.

    Does anyone have any good, reasonably priced recommendations for Wordpress work? At this point, I can't afford much...but there's really not that much to do.

    Thanks for letting me vent.
  2. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Really sorry about the situation. Is it safe to assume that you already paid him in full? Any recourse there depending on payment method? Feedback on him for others to be aware?

    I myself have not courted such work before, but it seems like a contract with milestones tied to payments might be worth in the future?

    (anyone know a guy that knows a guy to help drumming fo-getta-bot-it? jk, no harm intended just trying to lighten a crappy situation up)
  3. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Luckily, I only paid him a "retainer" fee, which is non-refundable. He lives in the UK. I'm not into smearing the guy, but if anyone needs more info, feel free to PM me.

    This is what we had set up. I'm more upset about losing 6 months of time and the effort I put into making him work.

    No worries. I'm happy to finally move forward.
  4. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Did you actually get the files / work from him?

    Sorry no, I do not know anyone, but have gone through similar issues with someone doing a web design. I do empathize.

    I thought there were some off the shelf word press templates, but I have a hunch you have already looked at those.
  5. David

    David Regular Member

    No he never did, the only thing he did was rename the Thematic wordpress theme folder to "SPS" and it looks like thats where he stopped.
  6. Randy

    Randy Adept

    drumming, due to your health issues, trouble with designer, and the fact that you are a medical student I am willing to work with you on this for $20 flat and a testimonial for the work. However it may take me alittle longer then what most people would give you due to constantly being at work or school. I am more then welcome to work help you out. Please just send me some details and I will go ahead and get started hopefully tomorrow.

    My Email: [email protected]

    or if you wish to you can catch me on
    msn: [email protected]
    aim: LiveLifeLarge92

    if you need another method of contact such as gtalk, icq, just let me know and I can go ahead and get it.

  7. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Randy, thank you for reaching out to help. It is much appreciated. :cheers:

  8. Randy

    Randy Adept


    Not a problem always happy to help a fella out. Especially those who are in the medical field, my family has had many health issues from heart transplants to simply illnesses and those docs and surgeons are always helpful.
  9. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Thanks again, Randy. The last year has been challenging in many respects.

    I wish your family the very best (I used to work in the Heart Failure and Transplant field before I started medical school).

    The AA community has really reached out to me and I am truly grateful. :cheers:
  10. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    ;) AA has many designers, SD can help ya' out a bit but seems that Randy got this~
  11. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Ugh, sorry to hear about that, mate. Randy will take care of you. A proper and level-headed WP designer would need less than 3 to 3.5 weeks from conception of design to finished project. Some guys I know can throw a mind boggling design from just talk to finished product in less than 6 days. Unfortunately, most of them are pricey or don't speak clear English, LOL. But they're dedicated people who work with companies.

    I know a guy near my workplace who does US advertisements for some phone companies such as Motorola. Just an average Joe who does what he likes doing.
  12. David

    David Regular Member

    If someone can design it, I could code it.

    I'm no designer though (probably equavilent of a 5th grader :D)
  13. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Thanks for the support and offers to help. :D
  14. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Glad you got this sorted finally. The guys on here rock so you're in the right place.
  15. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Bumping this up. I guess Randy can no longer help with the website. Is there anyone else on the AA Forum that would be willing to take on the project? I have everything spelled out about the design, it just needs to be coded.

    I'm willing to compensate for your time.

    Thanks! :cheers:
  16. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Can you be more specific? What are you trying to do. I MIGHT and that is a big might be able to help. I use wordpress and know a bit about it, I also code a slight bit...

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