Websearch for username

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Nuphoria, May 18, 2004.

  1. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member


    If you search for one of our usernames online, it brings up entries and references to the forums here. Is this not a bad thing?! I know it's not like a closed journal or private members only, but should individual entries be accessible to anyone who searches?

    Just a thought... :rolleyes:
  2. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    to my knowledge there's no real way to prevent that...
  3. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Yes as far as I know, that's how it works on any public forum. No way to prevent that apart from blocking google and other search engines completely...
  4. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member

    hmm.... it's all very big brother.

    Thank you gents :)
  5. imported_Chris

    imported_Chris Regular Member

    I doubt the LAPD will be logging on here to see what you've written ;).

    The whole forum is search by search engines/bots; usernames, posts, thread titles etc. Nothing to be afraid of.....or is there? :)
  6. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member

    Just because I'm paranoid.... ;)
  7. cosmichotspur

    cosmichotspur Regular Member

    If you have an unusual screenie as I do, hmmmm ...

    Not sure I like the idea of being tracked down.

    Paranoid? Moi? Naaaaah, just because I know someone's out there trying to find me ...
  8. X-51

    X-51 Regular Member

    no, but the NYPD will :tongue: :ut-oh:
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