Webmaster Tools

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Brandon, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Hello Everyone,

    I'd like a little input please :thumbsup:

    We have the option to add some very nice webmaster tools to this site, it will take some time and work to get everything setup but I wanted to see what type of tools you guys would like if you had the option.

    Here are a few tools I can think of off the top of my head.
    • Backlink checker (This will list all backlinks along with PR and OBL)
    • Ping my URL (Similar to ping-o-matic)
    • Website value (I've never believed in these, but they can be handy for a quick glance)
    • SEO score (This can scan your website and give you suggesting to better your SEO)
    • Sitemap generator (This can generate a sitemap for you if you have none)
    • Blog comment finder (This is a tool that will allow you to enter keywords and we'll find quality blogs for you to comment on)
    • Domain finder (This would allow you to search for available domains to purchase)
    • Style generator (This might be tricky, I know we could generate wordpress styles press easily, not sure about BB frameworks)
    • meta tag generators
    • robots.txt generators
    • site validator generator
    We could also do designer tools like...
    • menu bar generators
    • form generators
    • signature generators
    • button generator
    • popup generator
    • javascript generator
    Let me know what you think, please speak up if you've seen or can think of other tools webmaster/forum admins would be interested in :)
  2. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Most of those sound very good. I would definitely use the backlink checker & SEO tools.
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  3. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    I think it was initially the intention of Kaiser to get some webmaster tools added but he never got round to it :( Either way, the tools sound great :cool:
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    These tools are great for an admin/webmaster site because..
    1. The users can improve their sites with them.
    2. It's good linkbait :thumbsup:
    Some of the tools above will be fairly easy to add, others will need some customization to make them work with our site and look like the rest of the template.
  5. JPM

    JPM Regular Member

    A few of these like the backlink checker and the domain tracker would definitely keep me coming back here more often.
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  6. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Okay ideas = Orange
    Very good ideas/Needed = Blue
    Useless = Crossover

    Some good ideas, but I think this is a bit much for a site like this - DomainTools does pretty much half of this.
    Brandon Sheley likes this.
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Thank you very much Carlos for your input :thumbsup:

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