Web Hosting Fox

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Hitakashi, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. Hitakashi

    Hitakashi Regular Member

    Name: Web Hosting Fox
    Link: http://webhostingfox.com (Will also be accessible via a .info and a .org)
    Description: Shared, Post to Host, Reseller and Reliable Web Hosting at an affordable price. We offer top quality hosting, provide optimum uptime and free support.
  2. Royal

    Royal Regular Member

    Its a good clean template good luck :D>
  3. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    good template, Advertise well enough and you could go far.
  4. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    I agree its a very nice template. Keep up with the updates.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I agree with the others, nice job.
  6. The Hat Tipper

    The Hat Tipper Regular Member

    It's not a template if they made it by themselves.

    Anyway, I agree. Very clean theme and colors. Great layout too. Better than traditional web hosting web sites.
  7. Hitakashi

    Hitakashi Regular Member

    Thanks, I did the integrate of WHMCS, Wordpress and Trellis Help desk into that design. Although we had a bit of a rocky week, we're trying to all organized again.
  8. BobN

    BobN Regular Member

    Great Layout - i may consider using you :)

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