We need you ACTIVE!

Discussion in 'Admin Talk News' started by Trealix, Mar 15, 2011.

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  1. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Since Kaiser has not been in for a long time we need to buckle up and be active and post again!
  2. XuanZhongda

    XuanZhongda Regular Member

    Trust me, it sucks as an admin to need to leave for a while, and come back to a dead forum. A lot. I don't know this Kaiser fellow, but, I'll do whatever I can in my free time to help things to move along.
    BlazingBlue and Ashley.S. like this.
  3. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    that would be greatly appreciated :)
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks for everything you guys have done so far. I have not been able to access a computer for a while, and I have also been out of the U.S., having personal family problems.... Sorry for the inconvenience guys, life is though. I think i should close adminbb. Breaks my heart to see adminbb be dead like this.
  5. XuanZhongda

    XuanZhongda Regular Member

    Okay, look. If you close it, you are probably going to regret it. Just persevere.
  6. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    AdminBB could still succeed, but not how it is right now, this place needs a good revamp really.

    EDIT: Once I revamped EA after moving hosts, then it managed to shine even better than before until it was hacked [​IMG]
  7. XuanZhongda

    XuanZhongda Regular Member

    I'm adding a redirect forum on my forum's index, maybe 1 or 2 may come by and join.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  8. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    thanks :)
  9. zZJoennZz

    zZJoennZz Regular Member

    Don't close it, you may be inactive but no close, there's other more admin to organize the forum.
  10. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    although my rank is as "administrator" my permissions are somewhat limited to users & groups only. I would have happily made some changes here and there, but not having the access or authority to do so does somewhat decrease your morale to work on the place, etc. :(
  11. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    You do what you feel is best for the forum, Kaiser. I wouldn't blame you in the slightest if you did close. Real life does come before forums.

    In the meantime, until an official decision has been made, I'll try to help as much as possible. My laptop's still getting repaird, so my time online is limited as well for a while. But I'll try to make an appearance when I can.
  12. el canadiano

    el canadiano Regular Member

    Upgrade. XenForo 1.0 has gone gold, man.
  13. Trombones13

    Trombones13 Regular Member

    *randomly pops in*

    Sorry to hear about your RL issues, Kaiser...those are never fun. :( I do have one suggestion if you want to bring some new members in: check out Postloop. The membership isn't always the best at staying active (and most seem to be there for the money instead of post exchanging), but I've received a fair amount of activity from using it.

    Hope things clear up for you soon!
  14. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    Don't do that! I know how good AdminBB can be. If we all get together we can over come this slump AdminBB is having. That's all it is a slump. Believe it can be done and shall be done. I promise to be more active as I know this is a great forum and would be a shame to see it go. Anyone else reading this know that you too can make a difference.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  15. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    If nothing else, Kaiser, I'd at least hire more staff to keep an eye on the place if you're going to be gone so long. I'm trying to make appearances as often as possible, but I no longer accept offers for staffing positions, as I do have minor ADD, so my attention span only lasts so long in stuff like that. But definitely hire more staff members, and if you find another administrator and you trust them enough, give them founder status, and if there's things you want to change about the forum, let them know what you want exactly and they can make those changes for you. Of course, Xenforo is still a new software, so you're going to have to train the person in. If you really must give up on AdminBB, you could at least sell the database and even the Xenforo license to someone you can trust who'll take good care of the place.
  16. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    I'd be willing to retake my role as moderator if I am given the offer.
  17. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Your right, it would be a shame to see it go, but sometimes it is true that needs must BUT with a little more help from everyone else, this place can shine again [​IMG]

    We could probably take on one or two more moderators, but then you've got the question: "Why So Many Staff" that always comes up in reviews, etc. and it always annoys me when they say that [​IMG]

    I've sent you a PM :)
  18. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    Thanks for the P.M. Now we get this show on the road....again.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  19. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Yea, let's bring this place back up to scratch :cool:
  20. Savvy

    Savvy Regular Member

    Hopefully things pick up. Good luck.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
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