Wazzzzup! Aliens.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by GotRice, Nov 3, 2000.

  1. GotRice

    GotRice Regular Member

    I thought I would drop a line here and say "Waazzup!"

    BTW: Can anyone tell me about the status features of each member means. e.g. Like the karma, larvae, and the symbols. And how it automatically changes your status. Thanks. Sorry about this, I am new and was just wondering.

    What is this Planet called?
  2. Al

    Al Regular Member

    Howzitgoing GotRice?

    Well Karma is handed out by the 'overlords'. If you post something pleasing to the general soup public, they'll give you a Karma pt.

    Larva is the state your in now. You'll go to other status like grunt, prober, invader to OverPrince(cess)

    and the symbols represent how many posts you've done...like a stripe for every 10 posts or something.

    " I'll take 'the-rapist' for $200, Alex "
  3. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Oooh! If I remember right, it's a Galaga hack thingum for the little badges. And Al's right - you get another badge for every 10 points. A big badge at 50, then a new one at 100, etc. And welcome to the Soup .

    I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  4. possum37

    possum37 Regular Member

    I've bumped into you in Hot Deals, GotRice, but allow me to give you an *official* welcome! . Good to have you on board!

    Don't stop the hot deals, but be sure to make yourself known in some other forums, too...there's tons of fun to be had on the Soup! .

    My knob tastes funny.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  5. JHowse

    JHowse Regular Member

    If you want a custom status, like Super Sexy Bitch (. @ Finity), then you should ask Alien for it. Thing is, you get stuck with that status, and it does not change into cool ones like Prober.

    Welcome to the Soup! .

    Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  6. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Um..actually. Sexiest Bitch isn't a custom rank. That's just what he put under his name . You can do that yourself, GotRice . (Sorta like my Ms. Pixie Sticks.)

    I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  7. Chimpi

    Chimpi Regular Member


    This has been a post from Trumpet Spectacular! You should feel very honored that you have the chance to read it!
  8. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    i'm enjoying your posts in hot deals, but don't be a stranger in the other forums either .

    "i like crumbs ..."
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  9. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    GotRice: another thing I should mention about status. You only get OverLord (or OverPrincess in liltaz's case) when you become a moderator. OverMind is the Administrator (Alien).

    Also Karma can be taken away from you if you write something negative.

    I hope you enjoy your stay here and please do not be afraid to ask any question you have .

    "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding."
    --Harvey Danger

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
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