VPS or... ?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by damowhite666, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. damowhite666

    damowhite666 Regular Member

    I know a VPS is probably the best option to go with but I've found this site ?


    Would it be still best to go for a VPS in the future or ?

    Has anyone used them before ? They seem quite new....
    Brandon likes this.
  2. bauss

    bauss Regular Member

    I never used that host before, but if you have a large forum they use up a lot of CPU, and will require a VPS. You can only used shared hosting on small/medium size forums.
  3. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    If you have a large forum, it will demand a dedicated server or two. =)

    to the OP... it depends... not all VPS are the same. My forum quickly got kicked from a shared host. Then we outgrew our first VPS. Then it depends on the vps host themselves. for instance.

    we had 2 gig vps at vpslatch.net and the cpu loads were quite more than a 1 gig at futurehosting.com

    Right now my forum has 250 or so users online and our cpu load is typically 8 to 10. We are looking into dedicated servers now or somehow splitting the emails to a different server.

    I highly recommend futurehosting.com, we pay for the extra management and the help is quite good. VPSlatch.com is cheaper, especially if you find a good deal, and have good managed servers, although they tend to slightly oversell.

    There is a hosting review site, do your due dilligence, and look for deals there.

    Hope this was helpful.
    cpvr and Brandon like this.
  4. Carsten

    Carsten Regular Member

    That looks like shared hosting, you never know what your going to get.

    I would look into a VPS, I pay $20 for mine, and never had a problem.
    owtlawatv likes this.
  5. owtlawatv

    owtlawatv Regular Member

    I have multiple dedicated and VPS servers ...
    I have found that it really depends on the forum software. Some forum software is just not meant to be a large scale forum. Other software just is not programed correctly to manage resources correctly.

    thats just my 2cents
  6. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    When you're a new forum, it is best to start off with a shared hosting provider. Then upgrade as your forum grows and needs the extra hardware to power it. There's no need to rush into purchasing a VPS or dedicated server unless you have the money or some major plans for your site. There's nothin wrong with using a shared environment for the time being.
    maksim likes this.
  7. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    Absolutely. =) Especially if it is your first forum.....

    Unless you already have a backup VPS where you can launch it. hehe.

    Jut make sure your shared host allows you cpanel access and ability to do full backups so you can transfer out at any point.
  8. damowhite666

    damowhite666 Regular Member

    Thanks for all the advice guys! :thumbsup:
  9. Dy.namik

    Dy.namik Regular Member

    If the site you are creating/own is fairly new to the scene, then it would be better off if you went with shared hosting found on hosts such as http://www.hawkhost.com, but as your website becomes more and more popular, it will require more space/bandwidth which in that case you would purchase a VPS. Nonetheless, if you are getting a superb deal on a VPS, why not go for it?
  10. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    How active is the site? I currently have 2 VPS, one in DC, one in FL, and will be moving up, er, adding a Dedicated server, however I still will likely keep vps for space to play with.

    Shoot me a pm with details, I am sure we can work something out.
  11. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Start small. get the smallest hosting plan on cpanel you can get. As soon as your forum outgrows it, you can upgrade. Why pay tens or hundreds of bucks if you'll probably need those extra resources in 2 years time?
    Dan Hutter likes this.

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