Veritas Media Device

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Nathaniel Altere, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. Nathaniel Altere

    Nathaniel Altere Newcomer

    Forum URL: Veritas Media Device - Multi-Media Entertainment Network - Powered by vBulletin

    Forum Name: Veritas Media Device

    Launch Date: June 28, 2009

    Posts/Threads/Members: Threads: 1,647 | Posts: 20,175 | Posts per Day: 149.44

    Forum Software: vBulletin

    Description: A small yet humble community aimed but not limited to discussions regarding multi-media. We also present small focuses on Anime and Role Playing as well as Graphic Design!

    Other Info/Points of Interest: What sets our forum as different as any others are the fabulous custom themes and skins we present for the community.
  2. Nathaniel Altere

    Nathaniel Altere Newcomer

    Any chance I can get a review in soon please? :(
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Reviews are completed in the order they were submitted. At this time, you are at the end of the list with six forums in line ahead of you: Community Advertising & Reviews
  4. David

    David Regular Member

    For a multimedia forum I think it could under go some huge improvements.

    Style: The header image is huge, at almost 200KB (think of slower connections).

    The font size is really small and hard to read

    The navbar extends out past the main container width by a lot.

    Transformers background? I think mutlimedia devices, or even something more up to date movie wise than something released months ago would be better.

    SEO: Remove the "powered by vBulletin" in the title.

    You have session ID's in your links, talk to your hosting company about how to remove them.

    Random Stuff:

    The "Home" page doesn't seem to properly display, there are no images.

    Validation: [Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator

    W3C CSS Validator results for (CSS level 2.1) (Good job with CSS)

    The page background isn't smooth at all.

    Some of your navbar links (especially the ones that drop down) contain broken links.

    Good luck with fixing your forum up, it needs a lot of time put in to it to fix up the smaller things. You've got a nice community started it looks like, so hopefully you can add some features that make the site unique and continue to grow with it.

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