Funny e-mail i got, made me laugh. No idea who he is or why he sent it to me...lmao. Anyone else get this? He cant even spell correctly also...:unhunh:
I wonder what kind of idiot would spam a vbulletin forum, not just any but THEE vbulletin forum lol offering phpbb services? Why on earth would anyone want to convert? lol
Absolutely. I hate stuff like this, it just makes those of us offering professional services look bad. Sure, times are tough, but a professional will never reduce themselves to that level.
I honestly don't know how anyone can take this clown seriously with his lack of attention and horrendous spelling/grammar. Just to be picky, and mock his bad writing, I've bolded every use of obviously wrong spelling or grammar: Italics = he can't check software copyright before spamming people, or what forum he sent the message from. Most errors are lack of capitalisation or full stops/periods at the end of sentences. 'with very high quality' and 'for low fees' seems like 'scam'.