vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 To the staff of AA, if you don't feel it appropriate for a new discussion for this beta, feel free to move and I apologize. I wanted to share that the vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 was released last night without an email announcement I guess. Looks like a lot of bugs and tweaks went down on this one. I don't see anything major, but it looks like some more work was done on the skin. I'm about to try the upgrade here in a bit. Since this wasn't mentioned anywhere but the announcement forums, I decided it was best to share, they're saying 140 bug fixes. Highlights of what’s Fixed and New in Beta 4: (updated) New Posts and Search Results have updated Style. Fixed Password Protected Forums bug Fixed Promote to Article bugs Fixed Ad Manager bugs Fixed some usability bugs in the Attachment Manager Fixed Video Players Aspect Ratio to 16:9 Fixed Multi-page comments browsing: Added anchor, comments links, comment page parameters Fixed the CMS WYSIWYG to better handle images Fixed Pagination in multi-page articles (new) Added “Go to Last Post” link to the Recent Comments widget and Recent Forum Posts widget (new) Ability to allow Not-Registered/Not-Logged-in (Guest) to comment on articles with Captcha (new) Clicking on an article preview image now links to the article page (new) Clicking on an image in the article page will bring up the lightbox and display the image in full size (new) In Section Edit Page, we added a checkbox to limit the articles to display that section’s content only. Also, you can now choose to display/hide the “View All” link. (new) In Article Edit Page, we added extra article “display settings.” You can now choose to display/hide the article’s title, author, published date, and pageviews. (new) In Article Edit Page, we added an extra setting to the display the full article on the section page (new) CMS Articles can now include attachments
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 I don't understand where is the report of those 140 bug fixes. Their bug tracker barely shows like 10 confirmed (closed) bug fixes. Am I missing something here?
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 It's found in the announcement thread: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 Now Available! Keep in mind that vBulletin has a team devoted to the project. I'm sure they have internal folks and a system devoted to checking and fixing on bugs.
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 The major improvement I see thus far after the upgrade is they have done some design work to divide up the postbit area. I'm still seeing some issues there - particularly for users without avatars, but it's still an improvement and still a beta. The posts have some more contrast that really helps to divide things up. That's something I wanted to see - I want to see more going on with the individual separation of posts without having to do that on my own in skinning.
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I only just bloody installed BETA 3 yesterday! lmao I'll go download it now and let you know how I get on with it guys. Thanks for the heads-up. It's nice to know there's a bloody place to go to find out this! Thank you AA!
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 yeah I'm still seeing issues with the postbit in the legacy version. They brought the report, ip, and rep icons down, but placed them to the right of the Promote to Article button, making it look out of place. The signatures are no longer pushed to the bottom of the post, which so many people had requested. A longer username still breaks the left site of the postbit, and a few other things. I do like the new style of the buttons, but am wondering why they changed the icons on the buttons to black. :frown: ugh
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 I think bringing the rep/report back down was a good move. Not sure about the buttons. I still think the post icons in the forumdisplay should be moved over to and next to the lastpost data.
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 Bringing those icons back down was something I hounded them about. They listened! Now to get the rest of it straightened out........
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 I don't mind one bit! I was going to post this thread myself, but haven't found the time yet.
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 Is there a reason the New Posts are presented the way they are? Why not the way they are shown in the 'Settings' view when new posts are made to subscribed threads?
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 I have no idea why they insist on displaying a preview of the posts on the New Posts. It's never been like that, and there is no reason for it to be like that. We should just be able to hover over the thread title (like we always have been) and see the preview that way. I have no idea why they do half of the things they do. This is one of them. Feel free to add your comments in this thread at vBulletin.com: Search New Posts Search Results vB4 Beta4
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 I like the preview without having to hover. You can probably just change the css to hide it if you don't like it. Not styled - you'll want to style it yourself: Code: .threadbit .preview { display:none; } .threadbit .threadinfo { min-width:350px; width:69%; } The thing I absolutely love most about vB4 is how easy it is to change things with just a couple of lines of css. I wrote an article on how to make the forums show in two columns - no template edits, no plugins, just a few lines of css. I *love* it!!!!!
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 Thanks Nick. The argument that things can be changed is not valid as far as I'm concerned. Most vb sites have little customization. The better and more usable it is stock, the better for all users and the more sales of vb will increase, or at least not decrease. At least that is what I keep typing on vb.com, because it sound more palatable than saying other things.
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 I just created a duplicate of my database and am running a testvb version 4. This is me :lmao::lmao::lmao: All our embedded videos are gone. For starters. There is SO MUCH... we have nearly 750,000 posts. And have been using AME embedded videos. Oh my. This is going to be interesting. Too bad they made the out of the box default style suck SO HARD.
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 NONE of your mods are going to work on vb4, unless they've already ported it over. There are a few done, but not many.
Re: vBulletin 4.0 Beta 4 I had a few mods work when I did the upgrade. It really depends on if they use templates or not. If the mod doesn't use templates, then it may work just fine.