I know there is a way to do this but for the life of me I cant member. Does anyone know how to view all the soft deleted posts in vbulletin?
IDK TBH, I've never needed to look that up are you wanting to view them in a certain category or for the whole forum?
I am trying to see them all. The mods on one of the sites have the abilities to only soft delete posts. And I know there are quite a few soft deleted ones, but I have no idea how to view them all. But, I know I have done it before
User CP > Moderation > Deleted Items > Posts Edit you can also see more than 4 per page by modifying the URL. Change the pp= to something larger: Example Code: http://www.myforum.com.com/moderation.php?do=viewposts&type=deleted&pp=4&daysprune=-1&sort=dateline&order=desc&page=2 Code: http://www.myforum.com/moderation.php?do=viewposts&type=deleted&pp=99&daysprune=-1&sort=dateline&order=desc&page=1
This is very helpful. And I will now probably make a nice lil mod or something for this Mucho gracias Dan ....Thanks alot man this was giving me a headache .. Oh and @ Scotty A soft deleted post is a post that is removed from view but a link is left behind. It is still in the database just removed from the sight of normal members. Opposed to a deleted post which is completely removed from the database