Currently have a vB Publishing Suite License that I would like to sell. I am trying to get $195 for the license as I want to switch over to IPB. I have 2 license but I just want to sell 1 to try out IPB for the addons (Gallary, Downloads) they offer and support. Being that I'm new here and only have this 1 post, I can give feedback from other sources if need be. Mainly my feedback would be from Ebay as I have sold/purchased plenty on there. Let me know if anyone needs further info to help get the ball rolling. Thanks, Steve Will be afk for a few hours but will check back in here asap.
I did some searching around the net to see what others have been getting out of their vB 4 license and it seems its lower than where I started. With that said I am dropping the asking price to $150. I paid $160 during the presale so I'm taking a little hit. I have already contacted vB and the license is eligible for transfer. Thanks, Steve