vBulletin Publishing Suite

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Qwk86gn, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. Qwk86gn

    Qwk86gn Newcomer

    Currently have a vB Publishing Suite License that I would like to sell. I am trying to get $195 for the license as I want to switch over to IPB. I have 2 license but I just want to sell 1 to try out IPB for the addons (Gallary, Downloads) they offer and support.

    Being that I'm new here and only have this 1 post, I can give feedback from other sources if need be. Mainly my feedback would be from Ebay as I have sold/purchased plenty on there. Let me know if anyone needs further info to help get the ball rolling.

    Thanks, Steve

    Will be afk for a few hours but will check back in here asap.
  2. Qwk86gn

    Qwk86gn Newcomer

    Forgot to mention that the license also has the older blog version if you want to run 3.x series. ;)
  3. Qwk86gn

    Qwk86gn Newcomer

    I did some searching around the net to see what others have been getting out of their vB 4 license and it seems its lower than where I started. With that said I am dropping the asking price to $150. I paid $160 during the presale so I'm taking a little hit. I have already contacted vB and the license is eligible for transfer.

    Thanks, Steve
  4. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Is this still available?

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