I have faith in vb (at least right now, here today..lol) btw, I couldn't figure out how to post the video, didn't AA have ame or something installed at one point?
Its interesting how IPB has a dedicated app that works with all IPBoards while vB is going the opposite direction, customized apps built for a single forum. I can see how forum owners can appreciate monetizing the app with their own ads, but I can't shake the feeling that its just one extra way to get more money out of the vB product. Internet Brands rubs me the wrong way whenever it comes to pricing and monetizing vB since it seems to be their only focus. I would have preferred they develop a solid mobile version of the site (just like IPB) and then focus on a paid app scheme. Now I know vB claims a mobile style is in the works, but it really should have been a key focus of the original vB4 development.
I tried it out on my iPhone and didn't care for the pixelation of the graphics and it's bland state...and maybe they've fixed it now but after the first connect, I could never sign back in. I agree that they would have been better served creating the mobile skin versus a mobile app.
We are almost 2 months after the initial announcement and still nothing, not even an update to the beta. So many promises, so many heartbreaks.
The one thing to be aware of is that the overwhelming majority of praise for the direction of the mobile app and other poor priorities with vBulletin are by people who are in the business of selling things vBulletin. The mobile app is poorly timed and cost is very high for the relatively marginal benefit it provides at the moment: (1) It doesn't have any CMS access. Come to think of it, they should have fixed the CMS first you'd want to use it, amongst numerous other things. (2) vBulletin is the publisher. This means they have access to see your download stats (and compare them to their competing sites) amongst other negatives of having your own iPhone app and company's presence on iTunes and elsewhere. (3) How much difference is this than ForumRunner or Tapatalk, which is free? Is it $300-400 worth plus $100 every year? I don't think so, especially without the CMS and more. And if you own just 3 forums, you're talking about $1,000 or more for your initial outlay... and $100 each per year... (4) For the price of the mobile app, you could have an entirely new vB site and money to spare. Having used these apps, it's a no brainer that using the free mobile skin available at vb.org is the way to go at this stage. If you own 3 forums, you could double that to 6 and skin them instead of purchasing these apps. (5) The advertising options are not ideal, especially since it doesn't seem you can offer an ad-based and advertising free version. There are other issues concerning Adsense that may come into play. Lots of questions. After seeing what has gone on the past 2 years, I am asking many more questions before purchasing from Internet Brands.
One thing I found out a few weeks ago from a clients site I was working is that you don't have to pay 100$ a year to apple. At least my client doesn't, they had an app made "for about a grand" and that's all they have to pay, he did say apple get's a % of their sales, so maybe that's the option. Pay 100$ a year, or give a percentage. I'm starting to lean more towards getting my own app developed so I have full control, vs handing those stats over to iNet which isn't making much progress on their "supported" app.
I didn't know that was an option (or that there even are options). I always thought it was $99/year plus 30% of all app sales to develop for the app store.
ya not according to the client I talked to His app is 99 cents, and they said they paid about a grand to have it made, and had almost made that back already. So in the end, apple may get more then the 100 or 99$ a year, I need to research it a bit more.
Great. I would like more information for the upcoming applications and when they are coming through this source.