Since i saw a thread about IPB and vBulletin. vBulletin should try to do it free. Like IPB vBulletin, the free one should be just like the IPB Free, but you cannot install mods, there would be like pre installed mods or something. Like just close to IPB but it would be vBulletin. Anyone ever think of this?
There is a site that was like that, yet I don't think they should do it. 1)The free versions of IPB are utter crap 2)vB>IPB 3)There was/is? a site in which you can get a free subdomain and a portion of a vB forum, if I am not wrong, I forgot where it was. 4)??????? 5)PROFIT
Why yes they are crap. I hate the AdminCP. But the idea sounds good though. Or like pay monthly to have it up and running.
Having something like vBFree would be so expensive, I think. You need a license for every vBulletin forum. Even with subdomains, you can't use one vBulletin forum. So whoever does this, kudos to you, and you must have a nice, fat wallet.
I really don't think it would be fair for the normal vB customers, the PAYING ones. You see, IPB free service is total crap, and when they upgrade to the actual IPB service, it's a total overhaul. Now you see, vB doesn't have a lite free version.
What they need is a vB hosted service much like IPS has. 1. Encode the vBulletin script 2. Give limited FTP access 3. Give 5 free support tickets per month 4. Provide a decent amount of BW and Storage 5. Don't oversell the servers. I think this could be a huge hit within the community.
I agree with David. While now i think InvisionFree is utter crap I did start making websites on it so i've been there and passed it. I feel if vBulletin were to start releasing a free hosting kind it would be the same effect that it had on IPB, less people purchasing their product because why purchase it when you have the same features for free..
No way, vBulletin owns other forum softwares. Look at the people over at the so call free vbulletin hacks and support. Not but the other place. Looks like they should give it a go though. For developers and staff.
Yea, it would be nice if Toyota gave their trucks away, but I do not see that happening. Sometimes you get what you pay for.
It's the availability of mods that really sets vB apart, in my opinion. I wouldn't be interested in a forum I couldn't modify to my specifications, even if free.
In my opinion it is the support staff at Steve, Wayne, Jake, etc. Extremely good people. Things are always coming up which I need help on, even if it is just searching through In addition the professional/semi-professional people that support it as well e.g. "skin style ___, for vb 3.8.3" has clear and articulate meaning.
The free versions of IPB are utter crap because they're ancient. Haven't you seen old versions of vBulletin? You would say they're crap, too. And "vB>IPB" lulz.