vBulletin Forum Down

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by too_cool_3, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. too_cool_3

    too_cool_3 Regular Member

    I just tried to access the forums over at vbulletin.com and got this error. :dead:

    Error 503 Service Unavailable
    Service Unavailable

    Guru Meditation:
    XID: 430872877

    Varnish cache server


    Then about five minutes later, tried to access their home page and got this. O.o

    Magento Commerce
    There has been an error processing your request
      • We are currently experiencing some technical issues. We apologize for the inconvenience and will contact you shortly to resolve the issue. To help us serve you please fill in the form below.
    Personal Information
    • *First Name
      *Last Name
    • *Email Address
    • Comment

    * Required Fields

    Error log record number: 1107455210562

    Magento is a trademark of Magento Inc. Copyright © 2012 Magento Inc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  2. too_cool_3

    too_cool_3 Regular Member

    Looks like its back up. :)
  3. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    It is up for me Aussie time 6 pm. but it did take a long time to connect.
  4. Caddyman

    Caddyman engiwebmastechanic

    Are they running Magento for the e-commerce side? interesting.
  5. BoostN

    BoostN Regular Member

    That's what I was thinking... or someone thought it would be cool to place the magento index file in the vBulletin root.. :D
  6. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    The purchase system has been magento for the last 14 months.
  7. signal500

    signal500 Regular Member

    Yes, they use Magento, they've used it for a while.
  8. Caddyman

    Caddyman engiwebmastechanic

    i am using magento a lot on the e-coms i build, it is a great system.
  9. BoostN

    BoostN Regular Member

    Same here.

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