Just thought I'd share in case anyone missed the announcement. vBulletin will have a Developer Chat today (November 10, 2009) at 4:00 PM PST (7:00PM EST) where you can ask some questions about vB 4.0. The catch is that you need to ask those questions now and have them voted on, and then you can see + vote on the current questions as well. Nice format, and another positive step for IB/vBS in my mind. Full post: Getting Ready for Tomorrow’s Developer Chat
I saw that! Apparently one needs a google account to make a question or vote. Here is a link to the actual chat for reference Developer Chat If all the questions are pre-determined, then will it actually be a chat? I'm not sure who is allowed to type what. I'll definitely watch it.
Thanks, it saved me some time. Did you get the 'must be approved message' like when posts are approved on vb and it did not show up? I wanted to ask 'how many months will v4 be supported regardless of when v5 comes out?' But doubt that is the type of question they would approve.
It appeared for like 3 seconds and then disappeared....It didn't ask me anything, so it either went into a moderation que or it was automatically removed for having the word brisco in it.
I think this one by Dodge Board should be of interest to many. "Since older mods will not be supported, will vB4 include a script to return the database to a pre-mod state, prior to upgrade?"
By what, more transparent lies and half baked stories. there's nothing in the chat that cannot be done through a forum. Better still, allow a open beta and you wouldn't have to have these half cooked up pointless ideas that this company seem to be having recently. This is what you call burnout. They lack progressive thinking. Stupid idea whomever thought of this. lol
Not a question that really fits the focus of the talk which is about developing vBulletin 4.0 and developing for it.
You'll have to ask what they want you to ask that will fit into their comfort zone I expect. Anything outside that vicinity and they are likely (you guessed it) implode or go on some crazy pruning spree. lol Keyword today: Comfort
NO one can ask a question related to the developement, it isn't in use by the public. People can only ask questions based on assumptions. I think that the above question fits perfectly since someone know's what the future holds for vbulletin software. I feel this entire thing is a publicity stunt and vbulletin should be ashamed. Until people who have paid for the upgrades can start messing with it, this isn't a fair question for your so called loyal customers. We know how you guys feel about loyal customers.......
Yea, it is just a publicity stunt..........nothing more, nothing less. Steve Machol already answered the question on vbulletin.com with regard to customers suggestions. OH, he didn't mean to say that......whatever.
Exactly, wayne will tell you what fits into the comfort aka comfortable chair zone that fits their agenda and what they feeel they will gain from by selecting the questions they wish to respond to. Looks like another stuntage to me lol Never have i seen so much bullshit crammed into such a small space. If they just got on with their job and did what they were paid to do this wouldn't be needed. They are not capable of maintaining no1 and it shows with these brain dead ideas. Who thought of this one? :unhunh: you make me laugh if not confused at times.