I found this and thought I'd pass it along. Forum king vBulletin muzzles paid-up protesters ? The Register
Thought you might like the link - perhaps the article too. I found the part in the article where it mentions Ray Morgan promising and then not following though on the promise to get back to the author of the article, interesting to say the least.
Here is another little blog article that I found on the debacle... The vBulletin Meltdown, and Great Customer Service from IPS - Dan Cryer - Leeds Web Developer
Agreed. Wow article. @Brandon Shelley -- are you being sarcastic regarding the comments about -- links back to AA? I can't tell if you are endorsing or not, quite frankly.
He claims to think "it's funny", in his comment posted on this post: The vBulletin Meltdown, and Great Customer Service from IPS - Dan Cryer - Leeds Web Developer But I won't hold it against him.
Steve Machol pulled my license too. I feel like posting my entire vbulletin software upgrades for free on the internet, kind of like nulled software. Since he pulled my license, i am no longer able to contribute or receive software mods from vbulletin.org either. So becareful if one of these managers goes after you, they will be very nasty in how they handle you.
I don't like the fact that as a contributor at vb.org banned people from vb.com won't be able to access my submissions when they are free for all. If anyone says who downloads my contributions it will be me. Another ridiculous banning.
I was actually shocked shelley. My problem was/is with vbulletin.com and the team there and how they are treating people over the software. I have loved vbulletin.org and have enjoyed view and contributing to that site for years. If people look at my history at vbulletin.org, i never caused trouble, i shared some of my hard work in the form of mods, etc. I miss seeing all of the great contributions offered by other users of the current software and will miss not being able to contribute to vbulletin.org anymore. To add, if people were to check my posts at vbulletin.com itself, prior to me paying my renewal fee only to find out what the new IB team was doing, i hardly ever posted at vbulletin.com since that was more of a business site. I enjoy the current software i have and was very angry (still am) how i was treated by team IB.