vBulletin 5

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by AWS, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I was checking out the screenshots of vbulletin 5. It looks like they could have something special if it is actually is as good as it looks.

    This is one time if half of the hype is true it still could be very good. The only thing I'm left to wonder about is how much will vbulletin 5 cost with all those new features added to it?
  2. John

    John Regular Member

    My bet would be north of $400 for the whole "connect" thing.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I was checking it out again and it reminds me of Launch Forum. Some of the features like inline page editing and such.
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  4. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    What really bothers me is how IB as a business makes it's customers and potential customers run all over through outside channels trying to find VB news instead of posting it on their own VB business website.

    Great. It was at ForumCon. Ok. But, no official news posted on the VB business forum to say anymore details. Leave it up to other sites and VB customers to copy, paste, & pass around screenshots they found on Facebook. Really? Wow! Not to mention, leaving the VB mods in the front lines to answer questions they cannot fully answer at this time.

    Other than that, the screenshots look pretty. But, so didn't the VB4 screenshots. Will reserve judgement until the day we can see a working demo. Really can't judge something too much based on some screenshots, ya know. Can only hope that the hype surrounding it is delivered. I do hope it is.

    Sorry for the vent...
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  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Think the main thing to take away from this going of what we've seen, they seem to moving in the right direction with vB5. However, we need to see a lot more. 3 screen-shots doesn't tell you a great deal after all.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    The "connect" thing was started by Mark.B. He was the one who created a thread about vB5 and added the word Connect into the title. People seem to have taken that on-board since, but it was actually Mark who started it all off really with his thread.
  7. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    I'm glad it's not just me, as I was thinking the same thing.
  8. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member


    Thats called "creating a buzz" - and its working. Its being discussed everywhere I look....

    No, the name vB Connect was given to alpha testers prior.
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  9. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Ah right, thought Mark.B started it naming that thread the way he did.
  10. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Naah, "Connect" is the name that had already been given to it officially by the company. It was in the release details for Forumcon.

    It's just that the name hadn't been bandied about much in the thread, so I mentioned it.

    Also, I didn't start the thread. I'd never get the capitalisation of vBulletin wrong like that.

    I believe officially it will be "vBulletin 5 Connect".

    (I'd love to be able to claim the credit for the name but sadly I can't!)
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Precisely. It's absolutely spot-on PR. At very little cost they have got loads of people effectively advertising their forthcoming product all over the internet. Much better effort than they managed for vB4.

    I presume it's down to Lawrence, he's the marketing guy after all. He took a lot of stick in the beginning but actually he's turned a lot of things round by the looks of it.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Na! Don't think it looks anything at all like Launch Forum. :frown:

    What happened to that anyway, seems very quiet there.
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Marketing as worked pretty well, it's gone viral around the web being talked about. Have you see what Carlos posted on: Admin Talk.
  14. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    It looks a bit heavy and bloated. I was hoping vb would come up with something good 'just in case' XenForo goes bankrupt or something but from what I hear they only have photoshop mockups as press shots as well as in their demo.

    Why are people getting excited over mockups? Given the hype, I wanted to see a working demo.
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  15. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    So....no one has seen a working demo? Just curious since there were a few saying there was one and everyone else saying that there were only images to see.

    Anyone see a video of ForumCon and/or the VB5 booth?

    The images look like a custom theme for IPB, IMHO. If they can deliver it, I'm sure many people will like it better than the blue/orange/grey 90's pillow puffy stuff we see on VB & XF atm. No offense to those who like that style or don't mind basing their style off of it.
  16. David

    David Regular Member

    I'm not even concerned with it. After the vB4 launch debacle, and the crap that's called vBulletin released since. I'll never use vBulletin for a forum software again.
  17. Svoboda

    Svoboda Adept

    But then people would quit buying vBulletin 4 licenses.

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