I have upgraded the vbulletin 5 demo site to 5.1.2 beta. So far RSS feeds still don't work. Haven't had to see if any of the other stuff is fixed.
Another 140 bugs fixed. I wonder if those criticising VB5 have actually read the whole list of bugs, I read those that had been fixed, and whilst, yes there are a fair amount that seem to be important to the running of the software, there are also quite a few that are grammatical changes, or small alterations to buttons.
vB5 is coming a long, but the whole problem is that where it's at right now should probably be where it was at when it was released over a year ago. The reputation that was destroyed with the last two major releases of software from vBulletin is what has given it's bad. A lot of people won't give them a third chance, and rightfully so. And even more just advise people to steer clear of vBulletin all together (again rightfully so). I'm affraid it's at the point of no return for IB when it comes to producing quality software. No matter if the software is sound and usable from here on out, it will never be enough.
You seem so excited that 140 more bugs have been solved? Should they have been there for so long, or even been there in the first place.
Are they like "incapable of fixing that RSS issue"? It's been there for ages and should be fixed by now. Looks to me like their devs are not up the task of knowing how to fix it.
How many thousands of "bugs" have been fixed since its launch and it is still not a good product. As was stated early on, the launch was very premature and probably rushed through to try to counter the launch of a competitor. VB5 is ill conceived and was totally the wrong product at that time.
I am not the one that is all excited about a few bugs fixed in a sinking script .. I like how all the big forums are leaving this script due to it being a dead donkey and all the new ones posting in all forums on how good it is .. I guess all these with a few posts on their forums now best.
Cutting off your nose to spike your face is a saying that I think is appropriate at present with the mentality of some Looking at the planned releases, 5.1.3 looks like it could be the turning point for vb5 Until its released, it could just be a pipe dream
If you got your facts right, you would be right, "Big Boards" are not deserting VB5, they are leaving VB4 and VB3 behind, thats up to them, as I explained to one other person on here. "I have two VB licences, I am using one, the other I am using the other to mess about with VB5" Now unless there is someone out there willing to exchange/buy a VB licence for some thing else, I'm stuck with them. I appreciate your concerns for my finances, but purchasing an XF licence is not on the agenda at the moment. And as I explained to another member : "If people like Ford, Mercedes and Benz had given up at the first problems, we would still be riding horses, thank heavens they didn't have their heads in the sand like certain members do."
The fact is simple, they are leaving vb because of vb5 and also BECAUSE of vb.com stating that vb4 is EOL ..
http://vbulletin.admin-talk.com/for...o-turn-on-debug-mode-for-a-short-time#post341 What do you think Bob? Scott
For those of you with admin wanting to stop the email notifications: http://vbulletin.admin-talk.com/for...vbulletin-5-1-2-beta-1-released?p=349#post349 I really think the default setting should have been off/no/sod off and leave me alone
Thanks Bob. At first I thought it still wasn't on, because the query info and process timing are missing at the bottom. But the debug mode is on. Is that something new in vB5? No more query and processing info at the bottom? I found this. http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/foru...-5-support-issues-questions/418054-debug-mode Maybe only one debug on? (What a joke. Two debug flags.....) Scott