vBulletin 4 MADNESS

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by The Voice, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member


    Do you know what I think. There will be an extension. And, the 2 week window was intentional to rattle the community so when vbulletin solutions extend this they look like the good guys deflecting an array of poorly executed actions/decisions/announcements.

    Just an assumption. Watch this space.
  2. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    What kind of volume discounting might be seen, if any? 5, 10, 15 licenses?
  3. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    Your best bet would be to open a support ticket at vbulletin.com. I wouldn't recommend creating a new thread about it the staff are not responding at this time only the members.

    Try logging into the members area and you may get the required information in there.
  4. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    You may very well be right. This would probably go a long way to, at least partially, saving face.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

  6. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    On the presale of the suite it ain't much. A few bucks off at 25-50 and like 20 bucks off for 50+.
  7. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Yeah, the tide has turned quite drastically since those photos. It's amazing that the ones that were claiming "doom and gloom" were ridiculed, but they were absolutely correct

    And we have a winner. No demo = no sale. In what backwards world do you pay $100s for a "solution" that doesn't even offer a demo of what you're paying for, seriously?

    Greed or desperation. This, honestly reeks of a desperate act to me, something that you only try when you must have money immediately.

    Cut prices? Do tell how.
    Let's say that vb5 comes out in 18 months as many have suspected. That $60/yr renewal fee just turned into a $100+ renewal fee. Yeah, that's not 'cutting prices', that's jacking them up!

    I just renewed two in August, so I feel your pain there. I think those two will stay with 3.x though, and maybe (maybe) if vB is lucky I'll continue the only leasesd license I have left as an 'owned' license. Then again, given the pathetic nature of IB and their staff, I don't think that's going to happen.

    Absolutely, I saw this coming with the leaks. Those have proven most definitely true now. Sure, there's a few misses, but there's going to be with anything.

    Yeah, talk about screwing your customers royally. I picked up 2 blog licenses last year. What thanks do I get from IB/vB? I get forced to upgrade and pay MORE.

    Oh, mine was beyond tingling. How you can just ignore a fire for months, then start more fires trying to put it out just makes no sense at all. It's like IB wants vBulletin to fail, because they're kicking everyone to the curb that has a voice and isn't afraid to use it. IB has turned vB from a great product into a joke

    Just as a fair warning, if you do meet the man, do NOT discuss vBulletin, for fear of being banned. The man WILL take private conversations and ban you based on them, I know from personal experience.

    Easy way to solve that problem:
    Give members until the thing is actually released to upgrade at a discount. I can deal with $90 upgrade prices, I have zero problems with that at all. What I CAN'T and won't deal with is the joke that has become vB, thanks to purchase by a company that really has NO clue how to run a business.

    There's a reason people leave a company. If it happens en-masse, then you KNOW there's something wrong. If they've been there for years, then again, you KNOW something's wrong. The community (and IB) basically just dismissed these concerns, as they have with the 'leaks' as being invalid, yet, more and more they're becoming valid.

    Does vB have a future? Not unless someone gets the clueless monkeys to get their heads out of their asses here. The community isn't wrong, the company is. Then again, the 'company' is always too ignorant to admit they're wrong, even when the masses tell them they are. This is just another example of that.
  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Woo! You're even crosser about all this than I am!

    Anyway, it's cheaper for ME because I might not use vB5. I might not even use vB4. In which case, I will shortly have a lifetime license for either vB3 or vB4, instead of paying $85 per year.

    Not at all happy with the overall siuation though. I'd have preferred it left as it was.
  9. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Until they don't support either one. Has anyone heard how long vb3 will be supported? Like security releases and patches.
  10. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    And rightly so. I've been giving vB sales left and right for years based on a good name, and this is how they turn around and reward clients? Uggh. There are a number of reasons to abandon ship right now

    This would be a good question, but I think we won't get a definitive "You'll have support, updates and fixes for this amount of time" answer. IB is very vague, deliberately.
  11. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member


    Until vBulletin 4.2 is released.
  12. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    I really don't know

    The $130 price might be the best deal ever, never to be repeated but I'll be right back in the same situation in 2 years.

    I'll either need to hire a programmer to maintain the vb software because it will be unsupported, or upgrade. I've got 2 vb 3.8 licenses now, I'm not sure what good it would do to upgrade.

    Wayne, if you are reading this, I've been clicking on vb.com all day waiting for information from Bob & Ray. Anything at all that is not marketing speak, that could possibly explain in plain English, in unambiguous terms why they choose to do it this way. I was under the impression based on one of your posts that may be forthcoming.

    The questions have been posted many places, many times.

    I honestly do not know what to do. I seriously do not think these people are worth much more of my time. They have consumed thousands of man hours from their customers in addition to wanting to consume their money. It did not need to be handled this way.

    Another statement similar to the last 2 Ray made will really male my decision much easier and I'll plan for a software programmer to be in the budget.
  13. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  14. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Re: I really don't know

    I can answer this.

    They chose to do it this way because it will make them a ton of money whilst at the same time getting rid of many of the hobby sites that they no longer want as customers.
  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I'll still be able to download it and run it though.

    I couldn't care less if they support it or not, they don't support mine anyway because it's modified.

    As for bug fixes and security patches - they aren't doing those for 3.8 anyway now, it's been completely abandoned, as part of the push to get everyone onto vB4.
  16. mrpaint

    mrpaint Newcomer

    As I heard, there are pretty much chagnes in vBulletin 4 and that's why so many people are excited in both mods developing or templates designing. There are chances that all old things will stop working but I hope it's not true. All we can do is waiting until something goes public. Very soon!
  17. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Umm.. We released a security patch for 3.8, 3.7, and 3.6 about two weeks ago. The patch was released less than 24 hours after the issue was reported to us. This is even though the issue is minor relatively speaking.

    The next bug fix release isn't scheduled to occur before October 27th and even then there are no critical bugs in 3.8.4 at this time.
  18. banger

    banger Addict

    For the site licenses I own that unfortunately have recently expired maintenance, I am definitely not downgrading by blowing almost $200 per site on vaporware that I don't need. If I don't pay off the vig to Internet Brands now I can pay the same in 2011 when vB4 is a real product and stable. For a few dollars more I can pay for the suite, which isn't even a whole lot more to buy new. And in the year that I have to decide, I'll happily run vb 3.8 with all its mods and have plenty of time to look at the other products coming out. There is no public beta so I'm even better off working with upcoming developers who are more open with their products.

    Regarding ever trusting Internet Brands and vBulletin again, it's like the boyfriend who smacked you around once. Know whom you're dealing with and accept that these things rarely every change.

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