Wow, i just changed to that, amazing! Anybody else use it? Pretty neat.
Been using this mod for a while now as well as a neat piece of javascript that sends the post to Facebook as well, gets quite a bit of traffic coming my way.
I don't know why anyone would want to use a mod when twitterfeed does the exact same thing Twitter is for conversations, not for spamming the world about your website IMHO
Ugly, ugly mod. Why? This is just crazy, considering there are MUCH better ways to authenticate. Check out this mod if you need to use vBulletin to tweet posts.
Agreed. This is the one I use. There's a difference between spamming, and sending site updates. It's a great way to draw traffic to your site, and you have control over what gets posted, unlike with Twitterfeed.
No, not at all. Limiting administrator permissions isn't the solution to this. One can easily STILL get that information out, if they have access to a db dump, or even gain access somehow to your database. Storing passwords in clear text is just wrong, period. It's the first lesson of administration, NEVER store your password via text, NEVER write it down, NEVER give it to anyone!
Twitter is boring, MySpace & Facebook own it. But can administer settings in the Admin permissions is one thing i have turned off for my admins.
This works so much better (, a simple url shortener) and you can see analytic I just don't see the point of the mod at all :frown: If I was going to add a mod like this, I would use Jermey's version (vBTwit) ps... to the post above.. myspace is dead
Again with the password storage. Maybe he's updated it, but uggh, storing passwords for anything should be a last resort. I did start off using this, but there were too many problems. Randomly, it would quit working for days on end. Absolutely! Long life facebook! Myspam is so pathetic for spam any more it's not even funny. They're TRYING to bring it back to life (username@myspace emails, twitter integration, etc), but it's definitely dead.
Yeah.. Twitter isn't designed to be a website that you go to and sit at all day. You're right that is boring. However I can have news and information sent from Twitter to a desktop client like Instant Messaging, my phone (in case I am out and about) or to my email address. Or all three really. Facebook and MySpace on the other hand pretty much require you to go to their site to do anything except send status updates or accept friend requests. They live off their on-site advertising.
Its a twitter password :roll: If they can read it and aren't suppose to, then you've got a lot more problems than some silly twitter account.
That's still no excuse for requiring it. There are much better ways to handle this than requiring a user enter their password. Sure, this is encrypted, but still, one should never, ever give a password up, for any reason to a 3rd party website. That only promotes bad security.
I dont think its going to a 3rd party site (Like twitterfeed does). I believe its all handled right there on the site thats using it, so its still only going to be as secure as the site thats using it.
:speechless: WOW! I dont go to myspace and facebook and sit at all day. Of course Twitter is boring, thats good you can send them with your phone. On-site advertising i agree.
isn't this your mod? vBulletin 2 Twitter - Take Your News Straight To Twitter! - Forum it's one of the accounts you use at the org :uhh: I wouldn't say Twitter is boring, I could easily sit and watch my stream all day and get new information throughout the day, but I've never get anything I use Twitter to connect with local people online, and to find those with similar interest and it's been great for that!
Yep, I made it. But I don't maintain it any more since I sold that site and included everything with it Thanks for keeping tabs though, I'm not sure what I'd do without you!