vb5 is JUNK

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by sukagwe, May 7, 2013.

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  1. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    that just quip
  2. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    a couple days ago they've using 5.0.2 for their own site.
    they does not release it to the public.
    it's feels like :
    you can only watch your untouchable wife and masturbate.
  3. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    Here is what I think, IB means:
    Internet Bullshit
    Internet Bastard
    Imcoorporate Bastard
    Immature Bastard
    Insane Bastard
    Internet Bitch
    Immature Bitch
    Insane Bitch

    Please add whatever IB means in your head.
  4. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    Untitled.png You have been banned by Trevor Hannant for the following reason:
    Continued sniping at staff and the company

    The ban will be lifted on Wed 22nd May '13.
  5. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    It wasn't released to the public because it wasn't ready- did you notice the new bugs that needed to be fixed? You would rant if we did release it with a new bug, and you will rant if we wait to fix it- basically you will rant no matter what we do.
  6. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    I'm not the only person who rant at vb.
    there are so many out there.
    they're just too tired to complain at vb anymore.
    they move away from vb.

    actually I'm tired too.
    because of your product, I've lost some investors for my site.

    first it says it would be gold at the end of 2012, but now, does it reach the gold state?
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I would just stop posting for a while, that's what I had to do because the pace of "fixes" was to painful to watch. I check vb.com about once every 2 weeks or so and that's usually only when I have to for a client. Once I'm there I'll usually make a post or two but it's just hard to be positive there.
  8. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Hey, little babies at vBulletin: THIS is sniping...

  9. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    I don't believe anyone said "Gold" at the end of 2012 because as a policy we do not give release estimates specifically because we never know until it is done when it will be done.
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    ....I don't know how you can keep going like this.

    He's right, you guys did say something about "vB5 Gold!" I saw it, and the whole world saw it. In fact, do a google search for vB5 Gold, and vB4 Gold, it's the same shit over and over again.

    THIS is gold!
  11. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Immature Brands. :D
    Insolent Brands.
    Insolent Bitch.
    Incorporated Botch.
  12. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    For someone who only checks once every couple weeks the chances you noticed it was closed for the upgrade to 5.0.2 must be hundreds to one. You should play the lottery today. :)
    Brandon likes this.
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    ha, I know right :D
    I did like the "closed screen" that looked nice :)
  14. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    No one said gold? Isn't the release of the product with no 'beta' or 'release candidate' tag the same thing? That's how it works in any normal software company.

    Tell me one place on vBulletin.com's main site which says vBulletin 5 is anything but the 'gold' version?

    It says 'vBulletin 5.0 Connect'. It doesn't say 'vBulletin 5.0 Connect beta'. That to pretty much everyone means that it's the 'gold' version, or at least Internet Brands is selling it as if it is.

    The company isn't fooling anyone with this 'it's beta' defence.
    Brandon and Carlos like this.
  15. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    The closed screen looks nice? Probably looks better than the actual product to be honest.
  16. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member


    EDIT: The notice is gone, but I agree with Brandon, it looked nice for a "closed" screen.
  17. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Bullseye. :cool:
    Once again, bullseye. :D
  18. echo_unlimited

    echo_unlimited Professional Procrastinator

    For me, they'd have to announce that it's at "Gold" stage; however, as far as I've been keeping up to date with things, they haven't said anything about "Gold" on an official basis.

    Here's my source:

    Their latest release announcement is for a BETA (28) released in February. While I won't defend vB5, I don't think its true to say they've actually said it's out of BETA. And what does it matter anyway? :/
  19. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    I read today Wayne Luke saying to a customer that they aren't using the term Gold anymore.
  20. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Hey Echo. vB5 is definitely "out of beta", but the release was a "stealth" marketing ploy, because it wasn't publicized through the normal channels or process for vBulletin releases, like with an announcement in the vB.com Announcement forum or through their marketing emails. It is also strange there was no marketing email blast about it, because a ton of emails were sent out for vB5 beta releases. Why stop for this one?

    They did announce the "out of beta" release in the Licensed Customer Feedback forum, which isn't open for public viewing, as most people know. This was where the Operations and Marketing Manager Lawrence Cole let go of his infamous statement and biggest misrepresentation of the product in the history of vBulletin.....

    IB also publicized the "coming out of beta" with a press release, which can be seen on Yahoo Finance. (although strangely enough too (coincidence?) the title is wrong....Hehe, at least the comments are entertaining! LOL!)

    Here is a nice post with reasoning why IB might have done this BS "not beta" but "not gold" release.

    It was also interesting to see how the word "gold" was censored from IB support staff posts, right after the release, when those staff mentioned it being "gold". IB intentionally avoided that title for the software.

    The next event to make this fiasco perfect will be the next release. Supposedly vB5.0.2 will be announced "normally" through the normal channels and they've also given 5.0.2 the "RC1" title (which no other earlier version had, strangely enough, again) and supposedly it will also be "final" at one point too.

    And that is the real and core problem in all this. Very few customers consider vB5 in its current form "final" at all. IB is simply and unequivocally crapping on customer expectations. The release of a product with a quality title it basically doesn't deserve shows little to know respect for vBulletin customers and it is a terrible situation for new customers too. I'd say, it is now going to take a very, very long time for IB to get vB to where it once was from a product quality and customer trust and loyalty standpoint and I personally highly doubt they can.

    Big al and echo_unlimited like this.
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