vb5 is JUNK

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by sukagwe, May 7, 2013.

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  1. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    great job vb.
    it's been a month without update.
    very nice.
    you make us keep waiting.
    it's good for business.


    you lead by the READY thing.
  2. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    vb5 is the most ready forum software.
    vb5 is the most powerful forum software when it's ready.
    you'll get the bugs fixed when it's ready.
    you'll get the update when it's ready.
    you'll get the unique new feature when it's ready.
    you'll get the support when it's ready.
    all of vb5 is ready when it's ready.
    and all of this is already piss me off :mad:
  3. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    you ask, talk, complain too much in vb.com you'll be ready to be banned.
  4. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    You have to seriously be the only person on the planet who thinks vBulletin 5 is even remotely ready to use on a live forum.

    Are you a vBulletin Solutions/Internet Brands employee by any chance? Or is this some attempt at astroturfing?
  5. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Please tell me you're not serious.
  6. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    I think they are making pretty good progress with fixing bugs and that with 5.x. I can see that 5.0.2 will be a good release and as for 4.2.2 I see that there is an option to vote for your most wanted feature in it. Go vote for it if you haven't.
    Brandon likes this.
  7. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    I think the idea of it is good just the way it has been brought out isn't the best. I think that in a year vb5 will be a lot better and stable enough to use on live productions. :)
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I think those starting a brand new forum and are new to vBulletin would say it's ready, but I'd say that's about it. ;)
    Iconic likes this.
  9. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    That's what I'm thinking as well, its just not ready for regular forums. Heck, I think members would be pissed by all the problems that vB5 has. And not to mention their performance issues still need to be fixed and all that. The new vBulletin 4 was a nice upgrade as well, so there's no reason for me to jump and dive and upgrade to vBulletin 5. I'm content and happy with my current version.
  10. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    vb5 is JUNK.
    the vb's staff are SHIT that was train to say.
    nothing more :mad:

    more than a month without new update.
    almost half year, the product is not recomended for a live site.

    buying vb5 is likes marry the woman that you can't F-U-C-K her :mad:
    Dan Hutter likes this.
  11. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    @Brandon can I nominate this for quote of the year? I'm laughing my ass off over here.
    SticKer and Brandon like this.
  12. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    vb.com they're deaf to the customers.
    they won't hear about your's complains.
    this is what vb.com's world class support looks like
    Big al likes this.
  13. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Hang on, didn't you say it was great software a minute ago? Did you change your mind? Do you even have an opinion? Are you reposting people's opinions you find online without thinking it through?

    Because these topics make no sense.
  14. Rimi

    Rimi Regular Member

    Try raping it.
  15. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I noticed that as well and actually think maybe all 4 threads started by @sukagwe today about vBulletin could just be in one thread.. O.o
  16. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I think they're sarcastic posts towards IB/vB. As most of the staff thinks that just because the brand is "powerful," they have the right to treat them like dirt, charge them ridiculous prices with dubious practices, and so on and on.
  17. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    It's not serious. It's sarcasm.
  18. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Crash and burn, IB. Crash and burn.
  19. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    lmfao. I love these sentences. Very good sarcasm, sir! :thumbsup:
  20. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    I think vB's support is really good, but that seems a bit harsh the infraction.
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