WTB VB/XenForo

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Fleur, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    So I want to buy one of these liscences since I recently bought a domain secondhand.
    For VB I just need access to the latest series 3 board. I dont mind if it is expired. I don't plan on upgrading to 4 unless I get offered one at a good price.

    looking to spend under $100 if possible.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I've got a vb 3 license. It is expired, but, you can download 3.8.7 which was the last 3.8 version.

    Let me check if it is transferable. If it is I'll take $75 for it.
  3. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    that sounds amazing squeee! I can buy it this coming tuesday (didn't expect replies that fast) Is that okay?
    Still looking for an Xenforo liscence. (I see I missed some words out my post as meant to say one of each lol)
  4. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Just got word from vbulletin staff that the license can be transferred.

  5. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Excellent. PM me know your paypal details so I can pay you on tuesday if that's okay?
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    PM Sent.
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Hold that. I can't send PM's.

    Once I get PM ability I'll PM you.
  8. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Me either lol the 25 posts and been here a week totally slipped my mind. I can email you on the msn address you have listed if that is easier?
  9. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Yes that will work.
  10. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Email sent. Thanks!
    Still looking for an Xenforo liscence if anyone has one for sale. =)

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