vb/wordpress bridge

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by doodles, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. doodles

    doodles Adept

    Ive been looking at this mod and it seems it doesn't come without problems.

    Is it possible just to have a wordpress site plus the v.b forum without members integration?

    We wouldn't need people to log into wordpress side of site as it would be there for browsing and reading. The homepage could have forum link but the content on the home page could come from the articles etc that are on the other wordpress pages:confused:

    If members went from a v.bulletin page to read a wordpress page and then back again, they should still be logged into vb?
  2. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    The only big issue it seems in it is if you want your users to also post to the wordpress. If this is not the case then the bridge should be just fine.
  3. doodles

    doodles Adept

    thanks Kevin.
    No we wouldn't want them to, just want it to be like a regular website that has a forum i guess. Members would only be members in the forum, the rest of the site would be for anyone to browse without having to join anything.

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