vb turn around

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by danrak, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Merenguista

    Merenguista Regular Member

    I bought my two licenses there are three or four years ago, not this year. if I were to buy today , i don't - of course - will buy vBulletin ..

    Also i garee wiyh you, I rather have one superior and cutting edge product than two mediocre products, too ..
  2. DaiTengu

    DaiTengu Regular Member

    There is absolutely zero reason for Xenforo to buy vBulletin. Xenforo has a good user base, happy customers for the most part, and they listen to their community. buying vBulletin would just be a huge step backwards. vBulletin is dead. There's no saving it, IB has so thoroughly screwed the proverbial pooch with it, that there just isn't any saving it. If IB wants to save a little face, they'd be better off open-sourcing the 3.x branch, possibly vB 4 as well, and re-name vB 5 something completely different. They aren't going to make any money off the old versions anyway.
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Yeah, you can see what IB are trying to do, include vB3 and 4 in the deal buying vBulletin 5 (as a selling point) to try and shift it. Problem now is vB3 and 4 are way too outdated when checking out other forum software and how that has moved on using better frameworks and modern methods of doing things. vB3 and 4 won't save them now, too late to rely on them to pull vB5 out fire. I agree, honestly do think vBulletin is finished. Only a matter of time before something gives... they sell vBulletin, or whatever else.

    If it wasn't for the fact IB have all this money behind them, think vBulletin as a company would probably have folded before now, or at least be looking for a new buyer.
  4. PhoenixDown

    PhoenixDown Regular Member

    I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel for vbulletin. vb5 is nowhere near what it needs to be to remain competitive in the market and I dont think they have the leadership or the talent to correct that in vb6 whenever that is decided to be released.
  5. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Can vB be turned around? Certainly. Will it happen. Most likely, no. It won't.

    I also agree with what has been said about XF buying vBulletin. The XF team are already getting a good number of migrations from vB without investing a cent in vBulletin. Buying vB wouldn't get them many more migrations. So, it would be a waste of money and effort.

    Big al likes this.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    There'd be no point XenForo buying vBulletin, don't even take this question serious. And highly doubt KAM would be in a position to buy it anyway, not when thinking what IB would want for the sale of vBulletin (millions still I'd guess). Not having KAM are millionaires from selling Xenforo yet, lol, far from it. But that aside, XenForo has already captured all converts from vB to XF more or less. So there's nothing of much value XF can get out vB now, apart from developing it into something seen as worth buying again to capitalize on the vBulletin Brand name. But why do that when they've already have it in XenForo and would be better sticking at improving that further.

    I can just imagine KAM reading these topics about them buying vBulletin, they are a great laughing point for them.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  7. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    I agree with Scott. VB/IB has had ample opportunity to make amends for their actions against their old customers but have chosen not to do so.

    They have received good advice from many experienced long time customers but decided to ignore it all, so they cannot expect the people they have maligned to support them.

    Is seems that they feel secure with having been so large, but many large organizations, even governments have fallen when they consistently do the wrong thing.

    No business can long endure unless built on the twin pillars of truth and honesty.
    Autopilot and pixelek like this.

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