vb blog

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by kneel, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    ok...what am I missing...how/where is this vb blog? do alot of people use it?
  2. Florida13

    Florida13 Adept

    i need it for my vb forum..

    is it free?
  3. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    In your members section at vb.com ..and it is $60.
  4. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I have it for one of my forums and no, people haven't really been using it.
  5. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I have it for my current website, and although not many people use it at the moment starting next month I have organised some Australian and New Zealand sporting stars to start posting a weekly blog (seem my site is about sport) so am hopeful that it would become more popular then - the issue is there is no great intergration with it - it is hard to advertise them etc etc.
  6. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    ahhh..ok..i thought it was included sumwhere with vb and i just missed it. Ok..well..my only thing is this...isnt a forum like a giant blog anyways? ;-)
  7. Terror

    Terror Guest

    the vb-blog is a great software, i have it in our forum too, but not many people use it.
  8. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    I do not have a blog but believe this may be what is going on:

    vBlog: forum members can post comments using their existing forum name, but when new blog entries or comments are made there is no way to alert forum members of that.

    Word Press type blogs: People need to sign up for an account or post anonymously, and there may be rss feeds that are updated.

    I really know little about this, I'm sure someone will correct me.
  9. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I've had the blog since it came out. It's hardly used, despite me partially integrating it into Today's Posts to try and promote it a bit more:

    BC Forums - Search Results
  10. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    That is integrated well. You have 'recent entries' implemented. rss feed? is that updated when people make comments?
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    No, what shows on Today's/New posts is a direct database query. I have done the same with latest social group posts, and also album pictrures.

    I'd prefer it all to be interspersed into the main results but it's a start.

    The blog part actually updates with latest comments.
  12. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    You mean have blogs show up in latest posts when comments are made?

    When viewing 'recent entries' do the blogs with the most recent comments show up first? Or are they listed in order of when the blog was made? i.e. old blog shown as new if there was a more recent comment made?

    "May2008blog" newest comment made July2009
    "May2009blog" newest comment made June2009
    "May2007blog" no comments
    "May2006blog" no comments

    I can see your Blog index gives recent entries, best blogs, and recent comments
  13. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    On Today's Posts, the three blogs shown are ordered by last comment, just like forum threads.

    The "recent entries" link is default as supplied by vBulletin, I haven't changed that at all.
  14. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Thanks Mark. :)
  15. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    I've heard that the VB Blog is not a very "user friendly" blog. I would like to use something similar on my website when it is finally up and running.

    Is there a way to have multiple Wordpress blogs on one website that members could use?
  16. torque

    torque Regular Member

    The vblog system is nice and easy to use and is user friendly - but the blog system is not very well intergrated into vbulletin apart from a little two line sentence in the whats going on box there is not alot of other intergration but I have hope that in the near future it will be intergrated alot better and would be more benificial to the vbulletin community.
  17. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I believe there's a mod available to put the user's latest blog entry into the postbit; I hope they'll make that a built-in option.
  18. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Thanks for your feedback.

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