vb and wordpress

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by doodles, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. doodles

    doodles Adept

    hi guys
    been a while.:o

    We are using wordpress for our main web site which i thought was fine to use and fairly 'safe'

    A few days ago a rival vb site got hacked, the owner is awol but the site is back up and running somehow.

    Anyway ran across a comment today which has me worried now

    plecoplanet is us
  2. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    I wouldn't be all that worried. On one site, we also use wordpress as a CMS. Never had an issue with that, more issues with vB. This zero-day exploit got us one day, changed all links to some doo.... whatever site.

    P.S. I should mention this is on a BIG site, over a millions posts, over a quarter million users.
    2 people like this.
  3. doodles

    doodles Adept

    ok thanks Mordy:)
  4. Riverwire

    Riverwire Newcomer

    Dont worry about it , Obviously some kid thinking he knows more than he actually does. Wordpress is widely used amoung some massive sites , do you think they would be using it if there was a threat , Make sure you keep up to date with the latest versions and you'll be fine
  5. p4guru

    p4guru Addict

    Yeah keep wordpress up to date, follow some of the security tips etc and should be fine.

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