vB 4 themes

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by combus, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. combus

    combus Addict

    Hi all,

    I started to mess with vB 4 themes yesterday... and well, it could've been worst :P But is anyways not the nicest thing on earth. I kind of figured out how the CSS and stylevars work, but I certainly would prefer 10000x to work with pure CSS and get rid of stylevars. Though, I stopped at a point in which StyleVars were kind of crucial and could actually make things easier, which was for the popmenus. But the rest is pretty much a waste of variables and parsing time.

    So here I am, asking if keeping Stylevars is something actually important and if I should keep most of them. I'd be releasing the theme.

  2. John

    John Regular Member

    I suspect come January with the release of 4.1 and 4.2 most of what you are learning now will be changed as the StyleVars system is terribly broken and the code in the templates themselves is a wreck. No way IB can leave things as they are. A little read for you on this can be found here:

    vBulletin Community Forum
  3. combus

    combus Addict

    hmm Interesting. I thought it was too messy while vB 4 RCs times, so I thought they'd change it for gold. Since it didn't happend, I thought I'd have to learn to live with that crap =/ Hopefully, I won't (and will simply keep the theme w/o stylevars, as it is right now) :P

    Thanks for the help!
  4. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Or you'll see more variables. My wish list would be to have variables for you're 'common elements' in a global.css. Would also love it is they would have the ability to create your own. Then have css templates for other areas. Kinda like the old system was. But split up in seperate css templates.

    I can see the use of then. As they have it now though it is a mess. But if they would put some thought into it. We could really have fun designing. Customize a theme set and then have x amount of color variables.
  5. combus

    combus Addict

    In theory, it's already simple to skin for vB 4. And it is simple if you just want to do some color changes, but to actually make a change, it's a complete uber mega pain. The CSS itself is filled with cheap and unconventional fixes/methods. The markup is better than the CSS, but there are still some parts in which they have like 3 wrappers for one thing =/ All this is a big obstacle for theme designers IMO.
  6. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Yes it is. Which is why I decided not to design for vB 4.
  7. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    And then some. I've got 1 site I'm currently just re-doing everything on. Pain in the tush doesn't even begin to describe it.

    I won't be doing more that what I've already said I would.

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