It could be that this individual is an ignorant son of a witch... (I think you all know what I mean).
Exactly. If the domain is registered in his name, it is his domain. Full stop. As long as he remains current with the renewal costs, the domain will remain his domain. About the only option you have is to send him a registered letter, explain your situation and ask him to transfer the domain to you. If he chooses to ignore your request, he is well within his rights to do so. It sounds to me as if you need to cut your losses, because you have no real claim here. Sorry, I know that isn't what you wanted to hear.
I hope that this is in reference to the original topic of the thread - and not intended as a personal shot.
When you say 'domain panel' do you mean the control panel at the name registrar? I've had people act.... extremely distant that were once close. It was a personal issue on their end and had nothing to do with me. I called a few mutual acquaintances to confirm that. That did not improve the situation though.
I'm not up to speed on what domain ownership rules are, legally or local to GoDaddy, so not sure how helpful this is ... It seems to me that, regardless of the actual legal details, you could make a case that even though he has the domain name in his name, you two share ownership of all aspects of the website equally. Someone had to sign up the domain, it happened to be him, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a claim on it (of some kind.) I have no doubt GoDaddy has had such situations numerous times and probably has a way to deal with it. In your shoes I would get in touch with GoDaddy and explain simply that your partner as disappeared and you haven't been able to reach him. What can you show them that document your claim and allow you access to the domain? You are not trying to take away his access, just add your own. Fingers crossed as I ask this - I really hope you have something documenting your partnership. A signed piece of paper would be great as an item to send to people like GoDaddy. But even an email or something on the web could document the arrangement. Be open-minded about what it is, the internet isn't necessarily tied to traditional paperwork. Good luck!
Unless an officially binding partnership contract was signed and agreed upon, absolutely no form of legal action can be taken.
I think the most effective method would be for the person you need the domain from to stop ignoring you, man up, and transfer and/or sell it to you. But maybe I'm just crazy! :spin:
^ What Chris said. Besides, taking legal action is not something I intend to do. I'm just puzzled as to why the partner is ignoring my contact attempts and why it's such a difficult process to obtain a few little details.
Sorry my post was not clear. I did not suggest taking legal action. Nick doesn't tell GoDaddy he has legal ownership, he doesn't get into legalities at all. He simply tells them he's an equal partner, and doesn't mention he doesn't mean in a contractual sense. It's true in a practical sense. It would be true legally had the paperwork been done. If GoDaddy wants to see a legal contract then Nick runs out of road, since he doesn't have one. Case closed. My point is this: this ain't the first time for GoDaddy. I have no doubts they have heard it all. The choice is to lay down under the wheels of the bus, or at least try and see if GoDaddy will work with Nick. If they won't then nothing is lost. There is a chance they might, just because of the sheer volume of this kind of situation and others who have no doubt pursued it aggressively in the past. Worth a try, imo, I certainly would. I do hope something reasonably painless works out for you, Nick.
Knowing nothing about him personally, one guess would be that he's decided he doesn't have time for it, but wants to hold on to his claim on it. Sounds like you are moving on regardless. IMO the right thing to do. Very sorry you are having this issue, it sucks, especially when you are working so hard at something.
I see what you mean, Mary. Unfortunately, I've tried this and if GoDaddy support would actually listen to my problem, I may have been able to get somewhere. I sent them a message explaining the situation - very similar to the way I did here. They replied suggesting that I fill out a Change of Account form. I said, "okay, but if it's as easy as this, how is this system not abused by strangers wanting to obtain access to random domains?" They replied stating that a series of identity-confirming steps must be completed (photo ID, etc.) to match the information on the account. So apparently, they didn't read my situation and think that I am the original owner who lost the account username/password. Such is obviously not the case. Since they decided to be so ignorant, there's nothing I can do.
Have you tried calling godaddy? They might give you more personalized information and they do answer the phone.
I was actually on the phone with GoDaddy today. I thought of this thread and told the guy of the situation to see what he would say. He said there is nothing you could do except to get in contact with him and ask him to transfer it to your own account. Don't worry though, he told me that process is free!
While I do agree that it's frustrating when support representatives tell you that there is nothing that can be done, you do have to realize that it really isn't their fault - in this case, it's more of a security/protection issue if anything.