Using International English

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Chris Teriakis, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Chris Teriakis

    Chris Teriakis Regular Member

    Hello all,

    First of all, let's start with a question to native English speaking members of Can someone tell me what language is speaking the moderator TheLastSuperman? Is it the professional style of English which you need a Bachelor Degree in English to understand it, or it's a local dialect? I've a medium level in English language, but never had a problem to understand a post. I can understand British, Australians and Americans people. Even if I'm missing some words, I'm able to get the global meaning.

    But with TheLastSuperman's writting I really lost my mind. I can understand less than 20% of his text. eg a part of a new post of his "Dang we have while on a similar subject as Setishock derailed his thread pretty much, Seti smack us silly if ya need to when you see this". What it means? Even Google translate gave up. The given translation is without any meaning. Exact the same happen when I tried to translate some of his older posts.

    After all I assume that he is using a local dialect. If yes, then somebody needs to tell him that in an international forum, he must talk in an easy to understand language. Simple words and avoiding local (even nation) sayings. eg It tooks me a couple of years to understand that "my two cents".

    Offcourse nobody can ask from a member to follow such rules. But admins and moderators in international forums must do their best to post in an easy to understand language. We (the non native speaking English members) will not grade you if you've a rich vocabulary but if you're able to explain things in simple English.

  2. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    My best guess is that English is his second language and he's trying to keep the same sentence structure in English as he does in his native tongue.

    So no, it's not some international version of English or some advanced form of the language, just a result of someone not really being too fluent in the language and sounding awkward as a result.
    Chris Teriakis likes this.
  3. Chris Teriakis

    Chris Teriakis Regular Member

    .....hmmmm........ Never thought of it and thank you for pointing me to this direction.... I know this type of writting (somehow I'm also writting English using most of the time Greek syntax), but I think that he is appearing a native American at and on his site.
  4. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Many moderators try to be "with it" and usually fail. The whole point of posting is to impart the meaning in a way that others can understand. Too often people post to try to show how superior or "smart" they are.

    A rough translation of his sentence would be: Seti can punch us repeatedly if he needs to, when you see what is written"

    A very simple explanation is that he could be saying" Well I am surprised"

    There are probably other slight variations but I hope this will explain it to you a little bit better.

    Γεια σου.Μερικάαπότοπροσωπικό της VBπροσπαθήστεναενεργήσειέξυπνακαι να αποτύχει.Ευχαριστώγια τις θέσειςσαςείναιπολύκαλή.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  5. Chris Teriakis

    Chris Teriakis Regular Member

    84 Thank you :)
  6. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    English is not my mother language so I guess I write and speak international English :) LOL
  7. Chris Teriakis

    Chris Teriakis Regular Member

    EXACTLY :) ..... Someone else has to write " tongue language" :)
  8. Sylvain

    Sylvain Regular Member

    yes and no. In French, tongue and language use the same word (langue) however, we say the equivalent of "maternal language" to specify the language we have been raised with

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