User Tips

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Wayne Luke, May 18, 2009.

  1. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    If you were create a list of hints and tips for the "newbie" end user to learn how to use the software better, what would they be?

    The reason that I am asking is that I am building a vBulletin plugin using the notices system to show tips to new users. Well I should say I have built a plugin that shows random tips to users using the notices system. I would however like to include at least a few dozen tip phrases in the default product along with instructions on how to add more.

    Since this product doesn't use any templates and standard vBulletin functions for retrieving phrases, I suspect it will be compatible for vBulletin 3.6 and higher without modification.

    Anyway, what kinds of tips would you give you're new users if you could? Tips should be quick and easy to understand and probably no more than 30 words. Tips can include images and/or video.
  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    I would start with some screen capture software, record everything, starting with setting up the profile and go from there. Watermark the videos with your website name, and upload them to youtube. Install the automatic embedding media modification in the forum, start a thread in either the new member introduction section, or a site information section, make it a sticky and embed the videos there.

    Be sure to include a link to the thread in the welcome PM and welcome email sent to new members.

    The videos could cover - setting up your profile, creating a new topic, replying, managing subscription emails, avatars and signatures and general forum behavior.

    Typing stuff is so "20th century".
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Wayne, this is a great idea and if it is a product you intend to release publicly, I certainly will be looking forward to it.

    It will require some thinking on my part to determine what some important and common user tips would be. I'll be sure to get back to you.
  4. Brooker

    Brooker Addict

    How to post pictures (for 3 of my sites at least)
  5. lordtopcat

    lordtopcat Adept

    Learning how to post a thread or reply I think is important.

    I use Adobe Captivate for full motion recording of my computer. It is pretty fantastic.
  6. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I'm provided with Camtasia through work, and it's pretty neat - and most of all, easy! I've used it to create an instructional video to help my users understand how to post threads. Yes, things like this are important, especially in my niche.
    Here's the video if you're interested: How to post a thread -

    It's a bit choppy and drawn out. Remember, it's intended for the less-competent members. :)
  7. lordtopcat

    lordtopcat Adept

    That's pretty good Nick :)
  8. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Thanks.. I'll have to sit down and figure out what I want to add. Remember this is supposed to be in the Notices section and shown on every page of a vBulletin site. If there is any video, it should be less than a minute. A tip is "To add your view to a discussion click the post reply button". Basically it should take up as much space as the forum description at the top of this page. I hope to eventually add a couple hundred tips but originally ship with 75-100.

    I wasn't thinking indepth tutorials.
  9. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I like the idea - it isn't something I have seen before... at least on a forum (loading screens, anyone?).

    I think this will come out well, especially for the niche of your forum. I will get back to you if I come up with anything creative.

    A word of advice for others that are sharing tips: Think Twitter. Twitter keeps things short and simple, but gets the point across. Try that when sharing your tips with Wayne.
  10. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Yeah, I kinda got a bit carried away sharing my video tutorial. :p

    One tip I thought of is, "Personalize your profile by uploading custom avatar and profile picture."

    Another: "Stay updated with replies to your posts by subscribing to your favorite threads."
  11. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    How to style your profile - a step-by-step tutorial.

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