Uploading Sig Pics IPB

Discussion in 'IP.Board Discussions' started by Michael, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    How on earth can you allow members to upload their signature pictures to your IPB forum? I cant seem to find an option for this anywhere and think it should be default as you can upload profile pics and avatars without this bother. Any ideas? :D

  2. David

    David Regular Member

    I dont think this is available in IPB 3 to upload signature images.

    I'm double checking now, but I dont ever recall seeing an option for it either.
  3. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    I really hope you can upload them, I expect that as basic signature functionality lol :D
  4. David

    David Regular Member

    You'd think you'd be able to, but the more and more I use IPB 3 and attempt to do things with it, the more and more it looks like a rushed release (to beat vB4 I'd imagine)
  5. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    It is a real shame. The ACP may be intuitive but it really lacks basic functions like uploading signatures and displaying the thread counts, all of this should be default especially with it being a paid software. You really would think this was phpbb :D
  6. cylon08

    cylon08 Newcomer

    There is not an option like that in IPB. Maybe that is because many forums don't allow images to be used in signatures?

    If members wants to upload a signature picture just re-direct them to a free image host.
  7. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Many forums dont allow what again? I'll just ignore that fist bit. Even at that, it is a functionality, whether a forum uses it or not, pretty much downgrading the quality of the software to the point even SMF or phpBB are better than this paid software. (Not yet saying it is)
  8. cylon08

    cylon08 Newcomer

    Wow you must be joking, right?
  9. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Even I wish I was. That was like a sin for me to say. But, it's my truth.
  10. Blake

    Blake Regular Member

    Because you can't upload a pic to use in the sig, it's "worse" than another one?
  11. David

    David Regular Member

    no but i see FMB's point. It's a standard and basic feature that most forum software should have. Why redirect your users off your site to another site/service that should be incorporated to your own.
  12. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Yes, exactly what you said! Haha u_u get out of my mind, lol.
  13. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I, too, can see where FMB is coming from with this. The majority of forum software scripts (among both free and commercial) available do indeed have this as a default feature - why should one have to use a remote image hosting service (or something similar) to achieve the same result as such a common feature? Doesn't make much sense... to me.
  14. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Well to be fair, just about every forum script does something that the others don't. They can't all be the same, otherwise there would be no variety in solutions.
  15. Kakeru

    Kakeru Addict

    I never used the signature upload feature and I never saw the need to have it.

    Nothing's downgraded.
  16. Blake

    Blake Regular Member

    Does MyBB have this option? I couldn't find it.
  17. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Nope, but they have plans to add it. *~* Reason why I still have hope for MyBB <3

    There is an image gallery plugin you can add for this which gives you the link of the image you've uploaded. But still, if it wasn't because they would add it, I would have lost my hopes. T~T
  18. MattMecham

    MattMecham Novice

    Hello all,

    I was directed to this topic and figured I'd quickly pop in.

    It's correct that IP.Board doesn't have the ability to upload an image into your signature and it never has. It's not something that we really thought would be useful and it's not something that's really been requested often (or indeed, at all).

    That said, it's a very easy addition, so there may already be a modification for it (even easier now with IP.Board 3's hooks). If you wish to see it in a future release, then simply let us know by posting in our feedback forum: Invision Power Services -> IP.Board

  19. David

    David Regular Member

    Welcome to the forums Matt!
  20. MattMecham

    MattMecham Novice

    Thanks. :)

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